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May 2nd, 2010

by Mary Pitt

Most of the Democrats, (the "left"), can recall when Goerge W. Bush was first anointed to the presidency by the Supreme Court. To us, he was but a dilitante frat bay who got his degree via the birthright of his father's matriculation at the same college. Thereafter he failed repeatedly at businesses in which he had been set up by his daddy's friends. He presented himself as a candidate by pretending to be a Texas "rancher" who could not sit a horse and owned no cattle. He did own acreage in Texas but used it largely as a place to wield his chain saw.

However, if we were to complain about the election or his qualifications, we were told, "Shut up and get over it! He's your president, too and complaining about him is unpatriotic." Then the World Trade Center fell by yet another attack by an Arab splinter group. Now, this was not the first time the same building had been attacked, the difference being the degree of loss and the fact that the perpetrators of the first attack had been apprehended and are still sitting in a penitentiay. However, President Bush saw fit to invade Afghanistan because that was where they were believed to be hiding. Shortly, it was determined that we should also invade Iraq for a number of reasons that time has proven untrue. But could we complain about that? No! We were told, "You are un-American unless you support the troops! We're at war now!"

But we were supporting not only the troops but also as many contractor mercenaries at a much higher cost than that of our own army. But were there great protests and threats by the people? Were there riots in front of Congress and the White House? Hardly! The White House was barricaded, the president was so heavily guarded that only photographers were allowed within shooting distance of him. Wearing an Al Gore campaign button was a punishable offense and an unfriendly bumper sticker on your car could land you in a stOckade far from the parade route at any public appearance.

Contrast that with the spectacle that surroundS our current president. As the presidential limo comes down the streets, protest signs bloom from the hands of some onlookers, many of who are displaying sidearms or have combat rifles hanging from their shoulders. Since it is much more difficult to end than to start our wars, the troops are still in combat and the contractors are still scoring huge paychecks, our soldiers are still being mortally wounded and coming home to grossly inadequate veterans' hospitals.

Are we still "supporting our troops"? Hardly! The only thing the protesters have to offer is to "cut spending", "cut taxes", and to question President Obama's birth certificate! Where is all that patriotism? What happened to supporting the Commander-in-Chief in time of war, regardless? What happened to saving the political debates until the war is over?

Patriotism is a matter of respecting the president, even if you didn't vote for him. Patriotism is dutifully paying-as-you-go until the war is all paid for. Patriotism is loving your country even when you disagree with the direction which has been taken. And patriotism is paying the needed taxes to keep your government functional, no matter what.

Whatever happened to that patriotism?


This writer is eighty years old and has spent a half century working with handicapped and deprived people and advocating on their behalf while caring for her own working-class family. She spends her "Sunset Years" in writing and struggling with The System.

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