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Letter to Pat Robertson and the Christian Broadcasting Network

March 29th, 2010

Raymond Ponzini

So, you are for the genocide being committed against the Palestinian people in a land they lived in for centuries before the British government decided 'illegally' in 1945, to let 1500 Jews immigrate into Palestine each month. And within only two years those Jews whom the Palestinian people had welcomed into their homeland as brothers, formed an army and attacked them, raping and murdering thousands of Palestinian women and children while driving millions of people from hundreds of towns and villages.

Today Israel is a brutal racist state which employs the world’s most sophisticated weapons to mass murder the Palestinian civilian population in much the same way white Americans eradicated the Indians from North America.

Israel uses five hundred pound bombs dropped from American made f-16 fighters on residential neighborhoods, high explosive rockets fired from American helicopters, American cluster bombs long banned from use in warfare, and American depleted uranium weapons, which doom the Palestinian people to slow death from cancers and birth defects. The Israelis liberally employ American phosphorous bombs against civilians, a weapon banned since World War One. Israel uses bombs made by the American company, Textron Systems, which rain down molton copper at high velocity, slicing off the arms, legs, and heads of men, women, and children.

The Israelis have demolished over 560 Palestinian homes each year since 1967, leaving thousands of men, women, and children living in the streets continually. They use large armored bulldozers specially made by the American company Caterpillar, just for this purpose. Sometimes the Israelis destroy the homes with people inside crushing them to death. Sometimes the Israelis simply remove the Palestinian families at gunpoint and immediately move Jewish families in while the ejected families stand in the street watching.

In your most resent broadcast you compared the 'two state solution' to the nazi's 'final solution' for the Jews. To great a stretch of the imagination for any normal mind. In fact your entire broadcast sounded like it came directly from the Israeli propaganda ministry.

So you don’t advocate a 'two state' solution, but you don’t indicate that the Israili Jews should stop killing over 150 Palestinian school children each year either. You are not really for a democratic Israel in which Palestinians are treated equally, therefore one can assume you advocate the continued outrageous Israeli racism and mass murder of the Palestinian people.

You claim to be a ‘Christian’ Broadcasting Network, but you are hypocrites and warmongers, because you advocate war and genocide.

I know you don’t believe in God because you don’t fear any retribution for your actions. Rest assured, there is a special divine punishment for people who take part in the mass murder of innocent men, women, and children, which you are doing with Israel, and did with Bush in his murderous wars.

Your Christian Broadcasting Network is helping to make our world into a hell, and its good for you to rule in a hell of your own making, isn’t it my wealthy so-called 'christian' friends. Enjoy it while you can because in your next hell you will not rule.

Stats: http://www.ifamericansknew.org/


March 29, 2010 By Raymond Ponzini

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