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Animal House in Afghanistan

September 2nd, 2009
Animal House in Afghanistan Daniel Schulman Drunken brawls, prostitutes, hazing and humiliation, taking vodka shots out of buttcracks— no, the perpetrators of these Animal House-like antics aren't some depraved frat brothers. They are the private… more »

The Brute Factory

September 2nd, 2009
John S. Hatch Henry Kissinger once referred to military service people as ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used’ as tools of foreign policy. One wonders if this man of no regrets nevertheless wishes he had not vocalized what in fact has been the… more »


September 2nd, 2009
Eric S. Margolis An election held under the guns of a foreign occupation army cannot be called legitimate or democratic. That’s a basic tenet of international law. Nevertheless, the US and its NATO allies have been lauding last week’s faux… more »

Is it Anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights?

September 2nd, 2009
Edward C. Corrigan Jewish Opposition to Zionism All across Canada and in the United States, there is an organized campaign to suppress criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. The campaign is especially strong on university campuses where… more »

A very important event took place in Saudi Arabia on August 28: Assassination attempt on a senior member of the House of Saud

September 1st, 2009
by chycho PBS Frontline - House of Saud (2005) “Prince Muhammad bin Naif, assistant interior minister for security affairs, escaped an assassination attempt on Thursday night when a wanted terrorist blew himself up inside the prince's house.” more »

Mass Mind Control is Upon Us - It's Time to Awaken Your Consciousness

September 1st, 2009
Nathan Janes Many people may not realize that when they turn on the television in their home, what they see as a constant flow of images is actually flickering. Although we do not see this consciously, the repetitive pattern of flickering images creates… more »

America’s Options in Afghanistan

September 1st, 2009
Shahid R. Siddiqi The neo-cons led by with Dick Cheney, who at that time represented American oil interests, had visualized multiple advantages in colonizing Afghanistan much before 9/11 occurred. For controlling and moving oil and gas from Caspian Sea… more »

Cast Lead: Injured girl (14) found 60 hours after family members killed

September 1st, 2009 Amira Al Karrem (15), Tel Al-Hawa, Gaza, filed a War crimes complaint yesterday against Israel at ICC, The Hague (Netherlands). During "Cast Lead" israeli operation this winter, she spend 60 hours, wounded, alone, without food and medical… more »

Should Governments Manipulate the Personal Behavior of Citizens?

September 1st, 2009
Giuseppe Abatangelo In order to master the art of politics, you must attain the ability to control your environment. This is priority number one, and remains true regardless of how a particular social position is both defined, and used. You are a… more »

The pervasive abuse of democratic rights: Obama formalizes Bush policy on digital searches and seizures

September 1st, 2009
Tom Eley Obama won the support of millions of voters by campaigning against the pervasive abuse of democratic rights under the Bush administration. In office, he has sought again and again—from extraordinary rendition to military commissions… more »

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