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Death to America, Death to the Arabs

December 16th, 2009

Professor Sattar Kassem

America is very much concerned about what she describes the anti-American incitement that is carried by some Arab space channels, particularly Hezbollah al-Manar channel, Hamas al-Aqsa, az-Zawraa and al-Rafidain that support the Iraqi resistance. It is said that these channels encourage the resistance against America and they endanger the lives of the American soldiers and civilians, and embody a real danger to the American interests in the Arab-Islamic region.

The Americans are very much worried about the slogan: "Death to America", which is usually reiterated by the Iranians and Hezbollah supporters, and rarely by Hamas advocates. In their celebrations, the public cheers with the slogan with enthusiasm as an expression of rejecting the American policies in the area. For the American authorities, this is becoming a very nagging slogan that enforces the feelings of hatred that the peoples of the area have toward America.

The American House of representatives has passed a resolution against those satellites owners who allow space foe these space channels. After completing the legal procedures, the US administration is expected to take measures to get these channels out of space. The administration will try to convince the owners to cancel the contracts with these channels, and will act against these owners if they don't comply.

Who is actually dying? The US is troubled by a slogan, but actually the Arabs and the Moslems who are under fire, and daily get killed by American bombing. Aside from those who are killed indirectly by the US in Palestine and Lebanon at the hands of the Israelis, America has been killing the Iraqis for about two decades, and has been systematically killing the Afghanis and the Pakistanis. America has been spreading death almost every-where in the Arab- Islamic region from Morocco to Pakistan.

America doesn't raise a slogan of death, she kills. She uses her sophisticated weapons to kill people indiscriminately, and uses the Arabs and the Moslems as a testing laboratory for her new destructive weaponry inventions. The US administration shouldn't only be away from space, but she must be confined in an ethical nursery.

If America is interested in peace with the peoples of the Arab-Islamic region, it is easy: just stop furnishing aid to Israel, stop supporting the dictators of the area, stop exploiting the wealth of the area, and stop waging wars. If America does that, she will prove to herself that those who hate her do that not because they hate freedom or because they envy the West for the progress they have achieved.


By Professor Sattar Kassem

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