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One Flu Over the Ukraine's Nest

November 3rd, 2009

by Edgar J. Steele

What moves me today? It appears that the massive biological pandemic that I have forecast for many years, most recently specifying this Fall (that's right now, folks), has arrived in the break-away Soviet republic of Ukraine over the past week. You say you haven't heard about it yet? You will. There has been no news coverage in the West so far, so near as I can tell, but this story is too big and moving too fast to cover up much longer. I have seen a number of Internet postings on the Ukrainian epidemic and, even, a few UTube videos already. I have heard the story developing since last week from correspondents of mine in Ukraine who have been witnessing things first hand. School and public offices have all been closed. President Yuschenko has declared a state of emergency and issued a plea for international help. Reports of up to 3,000 deaths (unconfirmed) already are leaking out.

So far, the worst of this outbreak is in Western Ukraine, in and around the city of Lviv, but a few hundred kilometers to the East, in the capital city of Kiev, nearly half the people now stalk the streets wearing surgical masks. It would be an understatement to say that the people of Ukraine are moving into full panic mode. I can see why. So should you. I will explain why in a moment.

Ukrainian authorities are unclear that this outbreak is the same as or, even, a close variant of the Swine Flu now sweeping over the planet. Maybe it is just a lethal mutation. Likely not, however. They are calling it both a viral pneumonia and bacteriological hemorrhagic fever. The symptoms mimic those of Swine Flu, though on steroids. People die with their lungs dissolving almost overnight, filled with fluids and blood. This is the exact, same pattern as followed by the 1917 Spanish Flu, which struck down the healthiest among the population, those with the strongest immune systems. The rampup over the summer has been identical to 1917, too.

Here's why you are at special risk if you are young and healthy: Your vital and responsive immune system is the very thing that kills you, by overreacting to the infection via what is called a Cytokeine Storm. I wrote about this process earlier this year, in Flu Happens. A great many of the people now dying have underlying conditions as well, particularly those of a respiratory nature such as asthma, when they take ill.

Now for the particularly interesting and sinister conspiracy twist (you just knew this was coming, didn't you?):

Incidentally, I have forecast in my Internet columns and my book, Defensive Racism, this very scenario, though I have not known where it would begin.

Three months ago, Israeli Mossad agent Joseph Moshe, who specializes in biological warfare, was taken down by Los Angeles police, allegedly for "threatening the White House." What wasn't reported by the media at the time was that Moshe just had "called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapon that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/14/man-suspected-of-making-t_n_259330.html Moshe also claimed that Ukraine would be the country in which it first would be released. This was in early August. How did he know?

Three months ago, Moshe stated that this pandemic would begin in Ukraine, a country free of the flu until last week. That is too much for coincidence. Maybe it simply is coincidence, but I do not believe in coincidence. And, suddenly, lots of people are dying in Ukraine from this flu outbreak - a much more deadly form of the flu than has been seen anywhere else.

Baxter Pharmaceuticals has a vaccine development and production lab in Ukraine and in the past has been proven to have shipped dangerous live agents to other countries, notably AIDS in blood products that killed thousands of people a few years ago. This past spring, Czechoslovakia happened to test some Baxter vaccine and found live virus, something about which you may have heard.

Baxter, the source of the flu vaccine now being distributed over there, cannot be trusted! The Ukrainian people are not being told any of this or about what this Moshe character said just prior to being arrested in August over here. I am forwarding this column to all my friends in Ukraine tonight.

There is extreme danger from this flu pandemic in Ukraine right now and you should take especial precautions, wherever you live. Particularly, get a supply of Tamiflu, if possible, and start taking it at the first sign of symptoms (headache, fever, dry cough, aches/pains and extreme fatigue). It works. I have used it myself in the past. This flu operates very fast, often within just 3 - 6 hours, and is very deadly. You will not have time to get Tamiflu once you have symptoms.

I predict that we will see this all over the globe by the end of the month. This could kill a lot of people. A lot, as in millions. Already, you can bank upon this infection being in many other countries, now going through its gestation period. It is infectious before symptoms really manifest. We will know by this time next week.

Hang on, folks. I think this is just the crest. Now comes the plunge downward. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.


New America - an idea whose time has come.

Copyright ©2009, Edgar J. Steele Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate this article and its related audio file among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved. On-Line link to this rant in HTML format: http://www.nickelrant.com/rants/091105rant.htm Please visit my web site, www.NickelRant.com, for other messages just like this one.

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