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August 21st, 2009

Allen L Roland

With 41% of Americans strongly disapproving President Obama's performance ( Rasmussen Poll ) it's apparent that Americans are developing a growing case of buyers remorse. The Afghanistan build up, Wall Street Bail Out versus Main Street and Single pay health reform are three issues which leave many Americans feeling betrayed, unlistened to and remorseful about Obama:

Wikipedia defines Buyer's remorse as an emotional condition whereby a person feels remorse or regret after a purchase.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday, August 16, shows that 32% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of - 9. ( This is a drastic shift in sentiment over the past two months )

Buyer's remorse can also be the term given to the feeling a person often gets after making a large investment or emotional commitment to change ~ as millions of Americans felt in 2008. Although excited at the time of victory with the election of Obama on a platform of promised change ~ many people, including myself, are now feel Buyers Remorse in that nothing has apparently really changed.

The military Industrial complex is still in firm control and it's business as usual as far as Congress being out of touch with the people's desires and far more responsive to special interest groups.

Nowhere is this more evident than in Healthcare reform. The Obama administration has refused to consider Single pay and is now dropping broad hints that they may even back away from the Public Option.

HR 676 provides for Universal healthcare coverage for those of us who want it. HR 676 is only 30 pages long and it takes about 10 minutes to read.

Here are some of the main features of HR676:

    Pg 4 - your social security number will not be used for identification - each patient will have his or her unique number.

    - this coverage is optional, not mandatory. In order to receive coverage one needs to fill out a brief application form not to exceed 2 pages and these application forms will be available at the doctor's office.

    Pg 6 - portability - coverage is available nationwide.

    - there are no deductibles, co-payments or cost-sharing.

    Pg 7 - for-profit providers deciding to convert to non-profit status shall be compensated during a 15 year period (to ease the transition).

    Pg 9 - Patients shall have freedom of choice in choosing their physicians, clinicians, hospitals and in-patient facilities.

    - the sale of health insurance for additional benefits not covered in the Act will still be allowed to continue (this gives insurance companies an opportunity to be creative because not only is cosmetic surgery not covered, many complementary modalities are also not covered)

    Pg 12- this covers the different payment options for providers including fee-for-service and salaried positions.

    Pg 14- great news for providers - interest shall be paid to providers who are not reimbursed within 30 days.

    Pg 17- Non-institutional care will be encouraged - every effort will be made to provide long-term care in a home or community setting (as opposed to nursing homes).

    - mental health services will be covered.

    Pg 18- generic medications will be encouraged but the use of brand names and off-formulary medications will be allowed. Clinicians and patients may petition their regional director to add more pharmaceuticals.

    Pg 19- this explains how our healthcare will be funded. This includes a personal tax increase in the top 5% of earners.

    Pg 24- what about all the clerical workers in the insurance industries who could lose their jobs as a result of this healthcare reform? The provisions listed on page 24 provides a generous compensation called employment transition benefits that are equal to the last 12 months salary but are not to exceed $100,000.00 per year.

    Pg 25- electronic medical records. Patients have a right to keep any of their medical records separate from their electronic medical record. There are privacy and confidentiality issues here - however, there are some patients who will welcome some crucial info being on an electronic record. Take for example, a drug allergy. If someone gets rushed to a hospital and is injured or too sick to remember their allergies, they might want to have that on record - it could make a difference between life and death. On the other hand, if you feel uneasy having any of your medical information on an electronic record, you can keep all of it off of the electronic record. Wouldn't it be nice for all of us to have this freedom of choice?

    Pg 26- there is a provision for board oversight, and one of their responsibilities will be to ensure that there are adequate staffing levels.

Here is a four minute Video of a Dennis Kucinich HealthCare briefing in Washington, DC which fully explains the merits and necessity for HR 676. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWXRwrYa4oU

Over 60% of physicians favor single payer healthcare for a very good reason. It eliminates a lot of very expensive paperwork. Write your Congressperson and urge them to support HR676 and let's take our country back in the process.

Allen L Roland http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2009/08/17.html

Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( allen@allenroland.com )

Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website allenroland.com He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on www.conscioustalk.net


Allen Roland’s weblog: http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/
Website: www.allenroland.com

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