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My dream World

July 14th, 2009

Najwa Sheikh Ahmed

It is really nice that humans can practice having dreams on their awareness, it is a bless, certainly it is, for the people of Gaza, where the blockade, the deteriorating economical situation, and the effects of the recent war left them no chance to fulfill any of their dreams, and their plans for the future even the smallest ones. Therefore, having them achieved on their dreams is an attempt to elevate the stress and frustration they felt. On these dream worlds, the worlds that each one of us can create by himself, and can control its elements, with both the; add and delete buttons, it became a perfect world.

In my world that I create I forget how life in Gaza is difficult, and harsh, I find myself living in a different world, elsewhere, where I listen to music, particularly the classical one, it’s my favorite, it heals my soul, my mind, and takes me to other worlds, where I can dream, where I can shine, fly, where every thing is beautiful, and where no signs of hatred, or ugliness or even death.

Time is not considered in my world, therefore, I spend hours and hours listening over and over again to the same pieces, wondering about the magical effect of the music on our souls and minds. I resist any attempt to take me away from this lovely mood.

In my world Gaza is free, where there are no borders any more, where there is no occupation, no violence, where the sun shines all the time, and where the sea is open, clean and the air is fresh.

In my world no body is begging for food coupons, or assistance, children are happily playing in the wide green areas, children can exercise their childhood, they don’t have to work, on their vacations to help their families, they can play all the time, and they can have a clean house, they can have a decent education, and a normal lives.

Gaza in my world is clean, water is available. Hospitals are fully equipped, staff is efficient and well trained, and medications are available without the need to be worried about falling sick.

People are happy, they can have plans for their future and for the future of their children like what normal families do, they can make promises to their children, promises that they can fulfill, promises of a better decent and happy life.

Yesterday I was sweeping the floor at my house, when My son Ahmed commented and said “mother imagine if the sweeper works like an eraser, then every thing you sweep will be vanish”. He was laughing and continued “if I would have it I would wish to erase all the tanks, the apaches, and the voice of the planes”.

Then Mustafa, my other son, said “I would have wished to erase all the borders, to travel freely”.

I was listening carefully to their hidden wishes, which frankly can tell more about how the children in Gaza became so aware of their environment. My children speak up about what they wished for, because they can not create a world of their own, a world where their wishes can come true.

In a while longer, the people of Gaza will create their own worlds, and they will loose any connection with the real life they have to had, with the reality. And this will not only be limited to adults but also will include the children who are so fragile.

However, the question is will they be able to be connected again to the real life or will they choose to live in their dream worlds forever. A question that I can not answer!!


From Najwa Sheikh Ahmed, Nusierat Camp, Gaza Strip. Najwa Sheikh's blog: http://www.najwa.tk/

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