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Index on War in Pakistan, May 2009

June 2nd, 2009

Sarah Meyer


  1. Preface: Themes in Three Wars
  2. Gas in Pakistan
  3. Strategic Imperatives
  4. Demonising the Taliban
  5. The War
  6. Drones
  7. Pakistan’s Supply Depots for Afghanistan
  8. Blame and Counterblame
  9. Backlash to War & Censorship
  10. Nuclear Issues
  11. Refugees
  12. Aid to Pakistan
  13. References

1. Preface: Themes in Three Wars

The threads running through Bush/Obama's three wars have the same themes.

TERRORISTS (al Qaida / Taliban (etc.): "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." George W. Bush, address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001.

Afghanistan : America went to war in Afghanistan, following 9/11, with the excuse to ‘get’ the (now dead?) Osama bin Laden.

"My girls, do they look like Taliban?" Photo Jason Motlagh, Washington Times

Iraq. The Bush administration took the ‘opportunity’ to torture victims for an admission that Saddam Hussein was connected to Al Qaida.


" We have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan." Barack Obama. Obama has now taken on the Bush administration’s mantle, continuing the war in Pakistan. America’s 3rd war in Pakistan was not mentioned in Obama’s recent "two war" address to the National Archives; nor is the 3rd war mentioned by US spokespeople. As if this war doesn’t exist.

Iran : It would be worth exploring the funding/hiring source for Jundallah, recently accused of bombing a mosque in Iran and an attack [regime change?] on Iran’s president [see below].


Afghanistan : Bush said threats by Osama bin Laden to use weapons of mass destruction must be taken seriously.

Iraq : General Colin Powell , Address to the United Nations Security Council; “The” Dossier: Iraq close to building nuclear weapons (24.10.02. Guardian)

Iraq’s nuclear weapons did not exist.

Pakistan: Pakistan has 25-30 nuclear weapons . The US, to manufacture consent for its 3rd war, started agitating about Pakistan’s nuclear weapons on 14 May 2009, combining this threat with that of the Taliban.

? War 4 in Iran : Both Bush and Obama have been manufacturing consent for war on Iran, citing nuclear weapons.

OIL / GAS. In ALL these US wars, Bush-Obama have failed to mention the US agenda of “special interests”: OIL, GAS and pipelines.

Afghanistan : US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11 (20.11.01. WSWS)

Iraq: Iraq Oil: The Vultures are Waiting (09.10.07, Index Research - updated)

Pakistan : (see section 2, below)

Iran : Iran's Oil reserves fourth largest in the world following the end of hostilities in 1989. (Global security)

DIVIDE AND RULE: ‘Balkanisation‘ has taken place in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Pakistan . Walls and barbed wire, reminiscent of Communist Russia, are now worldwide symbols of “democracy and freedom.” See Divide and Rule (Wikipedia) here .

FEAR MONGERING: The above factors lead the US government to psychological “Fear mongering” the public into accepting America’s policy directions. Fear mongering was a strategy at which ex-VP Cheney excelled. The Obama administration has continued fear mongering. "National Security" is usually invoked.

The above policies have resulted in:


Afghanistan : 2006: 2.1 million (UNHCR);
1.7 million registered Afghans still remain in Pakistan March 2009,

Iraq : 2 Million Displaced Iraqis inside of Iraq ; 3 Million Iraqis forced to leave the country. (26.03.09. BRussels Tribunal, Let the Numbers Speak)

Pakistan : 3.4 million refugees (30.05.09. Dawn)


Afghanistan: Karzai has always been, and is still, complaining about Afghan civilians murdered by American airstrikes, including the most recent in Farah Province , where 140 were killed, including 93 children. No records have been kept of the total number of dead civilians.

Iraq : Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation

“We don’t do body counts.” US General Tommy Franks .

Pakistan : Censorship. No count made.


US must do more to prevent war crimes: UN rapporteur (29.05.09. JURIST)

NO CLEAR EXIT STRATEGY: In Iraq there is a lack of a clear exit strategy. There are also no U.S. exit strategies for Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Sarah Meyer
UK researcher

  • http://indexresearch.blogspot.com/2009/06/index-on-war-in-pakistan-may-2009.html#13000
  • and/or if link broken

  • http://tinyurl.com/nd5faa
  • "Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?' But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right." Martin Luther King, Jr.

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