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The Great 2009 Bank Rescue Plan and Coup

February 21st, 2009

Allen L Roland

Barack Obama's multi-trillion dollar rescue plan for the banks shows all the signs of a carefully orchestrated third world coup where the country stays in debt and under the thumb of the global banking elite. If you're not outraged, your on life support : Allen L Roland

It was Amshall Rothschild who wrote ~ " Let me issue and control a nations money and I care not who writes the laws." and we are currently witnessing the truth of these words in the great 2009 Bank Rescue plan and coup.

Richard Moore brilliantly exposes this coup and states ~ " The fact is that financial control trumps political control. Financial control can come in the form of debt, as in the third world, or more directly in the form of a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve. In either case, the power of governments to pursue agendas depends on their ability to finance them, and the purse strings of their treasuries lay in the hands of private bankers " which explains why the Obama Administration is pledging up to $2.5 trillion in support for the troubled U.S. financial system, while 56% of Americans oppose giving bankers any additional government money or any guarantees backed by the government. ( Rasmussen Polls ~ 2 /11/09 )

The people no longer have a voice in this coup ~ the bankers are in control and they won't let go unless they're forced to.

Think of America as a third world country that is about to be imperialized and devoured by the global banking elite and you're close to the mark.

Richard Moore offers many unsettling truths in his timely review of Obama's economic agenda.

Obama's economic agenda: a timely review

Richard Moore http://groups.google.com/group/misc.activism.progressive/msg/a24ebc7f13a7189d

    Excerpt: " In America, as in Ireland, the banks are giving the go-ahead for a one time extravaganza of government borrowing, leading to astronomical treasury debt and huge budget deficits for the foreseeable future. In both cases there is a commitment to put the budget in order afterwards so that the deficits can be funded. In both cases the orderliness of the budget will be judged by the bankers; the deficits can only be financed with their cooperation. And the scenario is the same throughout the West, in Europe, Canada, and Australia, all of whose governments are responding to the collapse in similar ways.

    Wherever the global bankers have gotten this kind of debt stranglehold anywhere in the world, brutal austerity and reckless privatization has been the formula they have imposed. This has led not only to general economic suffering and poverty, but also to social destabilization, political corruption, the impoverishment and disempowerment of governments, and the increased concentration of local wealth into the hands of local elites / collaborators.

    The agenda of the bankers in these cases has never been to finance the country into recovery, but rather to make sure the country stays in debt and under the thumb of the global banking elite and the IMF. The payoff for the bankers comes not so much from the debt repayments, which are in arrears more often than not, but rather from the investment opportunities that are created. When a country is kept down economically, investors can buy up its resources at bargain prices and export them to the highest global bidder. They can exploit the land and water to produce food for affluent markets around the world. And privatization provides profitable infrastructure investments, enabling still more wealth to be siphoned out of the country, as the infrastructures are made available on an unregulated, pay-for-use basis.

    We now have a situation where most of the third world is being imperialized and exploited, much like it was in the days of the great European empires. But instead of the nations being kept under the boot of an imperial power and its fleet, the nations are kept in bondage by the chains of debt. As John Perkins documents from his own experience, in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, this program of debt-enabled, bank-managed imperialism has been an intentional and systematic elite project for decades throughout the third world. Where nations were able to resist the seduction of offered credit, the State Department or the CIA would typically find a way to intervene, overtly or covertly, making it an offer you can't refuse.

    The same elite bankers who have all the time been running this debt-based system of power and profit, routinely employing underhanded methods to get their way, have now managed to install one of their own inner circle, Timothy Geithner, as head of the US Treasury. He then promptly proceeded to give $2.5 trillion to his cronies and add $3.2 trillion to America's debt, which will cause unprecedented budget deficits for many years to come.

    The banking elite knew very well that the bubbles were going to burst, and that the over-extended credit system would come tumbling down, even while they were assuring us otherwise. When the collapse came, they were ready with a coordinated story to tell the various governments, an urgent scare story, about the banks being too important to fail, and there being no alternative but to bail them out, whatever the cost. In the urgency of the moment there was no time for debate, no opportunity for any other solutions to be explored, and no real examination of the inevitable consequences. Indeed, the banks still haven't managed to calculate just how insolvent they are. The whole collapse-bailout scenario was a carefully orchestrated coup "

We've been had, folks ~ and it is all happening in broad daylight. If you're not outraged, you're on life support !


Allen L Roland http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2009/02/20.html Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations ( allen@allenroland.com ) Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website allenroland.com He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on www.conscioustalk.net Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett / Chattanooga Times Free Press.

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