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The fake vaccine was tested. It was tested to see if it would kill. It worked. Now they are using it

August 5th, 2021


The globalists are killing off the liberal voters with the death shots, but it won't matter because the elections are rigged. The stats at the end are incorrect. Over one million have died in America from the kill shots and thousands are dying every day as the globalists bring in one million Africans and Muslims every six months. Good bye America.


August 5th, 2021

wil paranormal

A bunker buster missile hitting the Pentagon at an angle and penetrating three defensive rings over twenty feet of reinforced concrete. It made impact in the office that was investigating the theft of billions of dollars by Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush regime, killing everyone and destroying the evidence and the investigation. A vast sea of tires burning out of control, no attempt made to put the fire out and stop the destruction of both resources and our atmosphere. Yet humanity must be culled to stop greenhouse gasses. The dumping and destruction of oil rather than taking it to the refinery to be processed. The government says oil needs to be destroyed to stabilize prices which have already doubled. Destroying oil will cause the price to increase sharply. This is how the globalists are destroying America.

Claims of People Being Restrained and Murdered in Sydney Hospital Covid Wards

August 5th, 2021


The Australian people seem unaware. Just to be clear it's a depopulation psyop, they want you to die. In fact they are so serious about it, they will kill you if they can. Now is the moment you get off your knees stand up and fight, or live under constant repression and die by vaccine.

Ted Cruz: Joe Biden embodies this Yiddish word

August 4th, 2021

Newsmax TV

50% of the American people still fully support Biden and the death shot agenda. They want the vaccine and they want an additional billion illiterate poverty stricken people to come to America, and they want a socialist communist state. These same Americans do not want the right to own a gun or to speak freely and they want the first and second amendments of the constitution removed. They also want all police abolished and all prisoners in jails released. They are anarchists and satanists because they believe in order through chaos and injustice. America will be turned into a socialist hell.

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