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MURDER. Wayne. Australia the line in the sand has been crossed

August 20th, 2021

Free Your Mind

What a peaceful law biding people the Australians are. They would rather kill themselves than the corrupt politicians who are murdering them.

CNN Hate Hoax Exposed After TN Medical Director Dr. Michelle Fiscus CAUGHT in the Act against Herself

August 19th, 2021

Next News Network

Typical corrupt lying liberal caught red handed and fired for her crimes. Dr. Michelle Fiscus went running to the globalist propaganda network CNN with her muzzle 'hate' hoax. She might have gotten away with it if not for the Tennessee Beuroe of Investigation. It was necessary to actually Subpoena Amazon' to provide the evidence that Fiscus herself had purchased the muzzle on Amazon which she tried to cover with yet another lie.

She and her friends at CNN attempted a little hit piece on Governor Bill Lee, claiming she had been fired because of her mask vaccine mania, and someone in the Lee administration had sent her a muzzle out of spite. But she got caught faking evidence. Fiscus was fired because she attempted to direct state funds to a non profit that she had founded. She was a terrible manager and treated her subordinates abusively.

She was hated by the people of Tennessee because she was determined to force masks and injections on everybody in the state. This was a victory for the people against a covid Nazi.

Daughτer snatched from Father's arms. AUSTRALIA UNDER STATE OF SIEGE

August 19th, 2021


He knew they would inject his child but could not stop them. Watch and learn Americans, this is what happens to people when they have no guns. Their government is not afraid to repress and kill them. When the people are afraid of their government that is the definition of repression. When the government is afraid of a well armed population that is the definition of freedom. The Australian people are now under the control of a regime that rivals the Third Reich. Soon the bodies will pile high in Australia and the world will see what the Australian people are made of. Will they stand up and fight for their children's lives and their freedom or will they die groveling on their knees.


August 19th, 2021


I wonder what the penalty will be for the politicians who ordered the mass injection and mass murder of children. We already know that they will spend an eternity in hell.

Australia: Woman Caught Breaching Isolation, Police Convoy Hunted Her Down Like a Murderer (19/8/21)

August 19th, 2021


If the Biden with the help of the United Nations takes the guns away from the American people expect to live in a hell equal to or worse than Australia where life itself is criminalized and all freedom is dead.

Those Who Have Taken The mRNA Injection Will Die Within Five Years by Dr. Shawn Brooks

August 19th, 2021

They couldn't wait to shut him up and didn't let him speak for one second past his allotted time. Obviously he scared the shit out of them.

You are a Slave - Dr. Shiva

August 18th, 2021


Its better to live free than to die groveling on your knees. Some Americans will never be the willing slaves of the traitors who rigged our election and stole our country. Some Americans refuse to live on their knees. They are a big problem for Biden and the democrats. The regime of pedophile liars is so afraid of Americans speaking freely they pass stupid declarations that all who criticize their covid19 psyop and their rigged election are terrorists. We terrorists outnumber the communist traitors by three to one and they have declared war on us, our way of life, and our country.

Democrat Americans fully support Biden and the death shot agenda. They want the vaccine, they want an additional billion illiterate poverty stricken people to come to America, and they want the utopian socialist communist paradise they were promised by their collage professors. These same Americans do not want the right to own a gun or to speak freely. They want the first and second amendments of the constitution removed. They also want police and prisons abolished. They are unwitting anarchists and satanists because they believe in order through chaos.

Not all Americans will take the death shots and die like good little lemmings. One hundred million healthy unvaccinated Americans will awaken to this murderous crime. God will not help the politicians who took bribes from big pharma to mass murder the American people. There will be no place for them to run, no place to hide. They will be hunted like the dangerous mass murdering criminals they are, when the bodies pile high.

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