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Eve and Tetaz Tom Siemer at White House Peace Vigil

May 10th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On May 8, 2009, in the early afternoon, activists were holding their weekly vigil for Peace and Justice in front of the White House. I wasn’t surprised to find Eve Tetaz there. She is a long time fighter for Peace. I also chatted with Tom Siemer. He was one of the cofounder of the Dorothy Day Catholic Workers group, in Washington, D.C., which sponsors the weekly vigil. Mr. Siemer had an “epiphany” of sorts which led him into the Peace Movement over 28 years ago. For more on Eve Tetaz, go to: and on the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Movement, see:

Tenaha Texas cops investigated for robbing citizens driving through town pt 3

May 9th, 2009

Americans, must accept that they live in a police state now, and they must willingly give up all of their valuables and cash to the highway robber police. It’s either that or get their heads bashed in or see their wives and children strip-searched, or the police could just plant drugs on them and completely destroy their lives. True, there is a token investigation being carried out for the benefit of the media, but nothing what so ever will be done. Thank you Obushma, for not changing a thing.

Ashraf Protection Campaign: Rally at White House

May 9th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Friday, May 8, 2009, activists from the “Ashraf Protection Campaign” staged a rally in Lafayette Park, across the street from the White House. This is the 100th day that they have done so. They are concerned about preventing a “looming humanitarian crisis in Camp Ashraf,” according to their press release. Camp Ashraf is located in the town of Khalis, in Iraq, nearly “50 miles from the Iranian border.” About 4000 men, women and children--all political refugees from Iran--currently reside in the camp. I talked with Sahand Khosbaten, a PR representative for the group. He expressed his opinion on the current human rights situation in Camp Ashraf. For background on this matter, please go to: and

Springtime for AIPAC: Annual Confab in D.C. Draws Protest

May 5th, 2009

William Hughes

It’s Springtime for AIPAC! The mega-Israel Lobby convenes annually in Washington, D.C. at the convention center. AIPAC sucks out over $3 billion a year from our fast fading treasury for Israel with little or no dissent from the fakers in the U.S. Congress. If only the cities of Detroit, LA, Atlanta and Baltimore had such a puffed-up advocate in their corner. If you’re lucky, you can spot some of your Congressional low lifes crawling on all fours into the convention center to pay homage to the Israel-First types. Isn’t there a law against that kind of bootlicking? As always, lovers of the Republic were outside on the streets on Monday, May 4, 2009, protesting AIPAC. For some background on the all-powerful Israel Lobby, see: and and and and “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” by Mearsheimer and Walt, at: and

Rabbi Weiss Rips the Ideology of Zionism

May 5th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On May 4, 2009, a protest demonstration against AIPAC was held outside the convention center, where it was meeting in Washington, D.C. The mega-Israel Lobby convenes annually in this city. One of those speaking out at the anti-AIPAC rally was Orthodox Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. He is associated with "Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism," and is a member of "Neturei Karta International." See: Rabbi Weiss was sharply critical in his remarks of the ideology of Zionism.

Patriot Act Being Used Against a 16 Year Old Boy & its Own Citizens !

May 5th, 2009

I remember my eight-grade history teacher extolling the virtues of American freedom, “And in America nobody will ever come and take you away in the middle of the night like they can in a communist country or a dictatorship." he said, "In countries without a bill of rights or constitutional rights, once you have been arrested nobody is allowed to communicate with you and sometimes you are never heard from again.” I felt so relieved and grateful that I had been born in America…

440% over unity magnetic motor home generator

May 4th, 2009

This is how it always begins, with a nice little news report, but with all such inventions, which threaten to break the multi trillion dollar oil, coal, nuclear power strangle hold on the planet, it will be stopped. These little guys will be made the proverbial offer they can’t refuse. Take the hundred million dollar payoff and quietly go away or else.

What are we waiting for?

May 4th, 2009

How these small countries shame the evil empire. Look at what they have accomplished for their civilization and people while the American focus is on war and the theft of other countries resources.

PEPCO Confronted over Arbitrary Utility Cutoffs

May 2nd, 2009

from: William Hughes

On May 1, 2009, a press conference was called by “Justice First, “ a national grassroots organization, which is fighting for a moratorium on electric cutoffs and for a rollback on rates. It was held in Washington, D.C., in front of the headquarters of Potomac Electric Power Co. (PEPCO). Thousands of local residents are “vulnerable to having their power shut off. In 2008, PEPCO issued 426,202 shutoff notices. Currently, 1 in 4 D.C. residents are at risk of shutoff,” according to Justice First’s press release. Edward Durham, a D.C. resident, was targeted for such a cutoff on May 1st. In fact, he was supposed to be at the press conference, but he is currently hospitalized. Mr. Durham is disabled and insulin dependent. Activists from “Justice First” insisted that Mr. Durham’s electricity not be cut off, since his insulin must be refrigerated. They were allowed into PEPCO’s office building to plead his case. At press time, this presenter was advised that PEPCO “will not” cut off Mr. Durnham’s electricity and that a “reasonable” payment plan had been negotiated on his behalf by “Justice First” activists. For more background on the issue of utility cutoffs and the millions of dollars in profits taken in by utility giants, like PEPCO, go to:

Over 50 Anti-Torture Activists Arrested at White House Protest

May 2nd, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Thursday, April 30, 2009, in a massive act of non-violent “Civil Resistance” over 50 activists were arrested at a protest action in front of the White House. The protesters refused to move from the sidewalk when ordered to so by the police. The activists were demanding that the administration of President Barack Obama uphold the supremacy of the Law and investigate and prosecute wrongdoers in the Bush-Cheney Gang responsible for “acts of torture.” The demonstration was sponsored by the “Witness Against Torture” group. It also charged that many of the most egregious torture policies carried out by the Bush-Cheney Gang “remain in place.” For the latest details on “Witness Against Torture,” its purpose, and the exact number of protesters arrested at the event, along with the charges placed against the defendants, etc., see: more on “Civil Resistance,” go to my review of Professor Francis A. Boyle’s book, “Protesting Power: War, Resistance and Law,” at: For background on the torture cases, torture memos, and more, see:

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