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North Korean film exposes Western propaganda - Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4

June 11th, 2012


A documentary about the psycological warfare conducted by the 1% on the 99%.

Keiser Report: Paper Money Collapse (E297)

June 7th, 2012


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss all hell breaking loose as an electronics chain store stockpiles security shutters, capital flees Greece (and Spain) and Max proposes a love market. In the second half of the show Max talks to Detlev Schlichter, author of Paper Money Collapse, about the euro, the drachma, the dollar and gold.

Food can heal you - or kill you, Your choice...

May 29th, 2012

Andrew Saul, PhD, in a video lesson discussing the importance and practical application of Nutritional Therapy in the treatment of Depression and Mental Illness. Click on the lessons below to begin your program. The Real Food Channel Resources to help you choose wiselyProzac or cashews? The link between diet and physical disease has been established. What about nutrition and depression? Western society tends to blame people for being depressed, implying that they just need to change their attitude and look on the bright side. But what if there's a link between depression and the nutrients in our diet? Given a choice between Prozac and cashews: I'll take the cashews, please. Natural Treatment for Depression Explained - Naicin B3 - Food Matters | Mimi Kirk (World's Sexiest Vegan) 71-year old talking about her RAW FOOD DIET

'Americans don't share global domination policies of their leaders'

May 29th, 2012

Russia Today

RT talks to Peter Dale Scott - former diplomat, poet and prominent anti-war advocate. He says that the US corporate superstructure conglomerate - including financial interests, the defense industry, oil companies and the media - brazenly manipulate American society. Transcript: america corporate conglomerate

Seeing is Believing: Wizards of Visualization

May 28th, 2012

America is invading, Yemen, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, carrying out military actions against Muslims and Africans. America does the bidding of the financial military industrial elite. America has fought many wars throughout it's short and violent 200 year history, wars with the Indians, a civil war against itself, and numerous wars with other countries. The American financial military industrial complex is built on war profiteering.

America is a country that doesn't have health care for all it's people, but has some 760 military bases around the world. Thank God, that Russia and China don't each have 760 military bases around the world. One can only imagine what a paranoid and militaristic world that would be.

America has given some thirty trillion dollars to the international banks in the form of endless bailouts. Millions of Americans are homeless, one in five isn't getting enough to eat. America's government supports other countries while Americans starve, giving ten billion dollars each year in military and financial aid to Israel alone. In America a collage education is out of reach for most people. Now Americans can no longer focus on being a leader in innovation and manufacturing except when it has to do with war, and even in that area America is matched by Russia and China.

Other than possibly fighter jets and depleted uranium weapons, one must ask, what does America make better than other countries? China makes cameras for Sony along with virtually everything sold in American stores. For cheap labor American corporations closed up shop and moved manufacturing over seas to Asia and down to Mexico and South America. This has resulted in millions of American workers loosing their jobs, who might have been buying American made products and sharing in the American dream.

As America falls downward in a military industrial banking death spiral, Russia, the collapsed so-called, evil communist empire, rises like a phoenix.

Russia is building their own Silicon Valley. They are making computer chips and writing the most advanced programs. While America has become a soldier and a slave to special interests, Russia focuses on the future and developing technologies that will make them an economic leader. Russians understand that they must invent and manufacture useful products that people want and need. Russia is at the technological forefront of an ever changing world and will not be left behind.

'Scientific and citizen forum on radiation 12.05.2012 Geneva (Swizerland) Dr. Busby ', and 'Why Nuclear Power Plants are a bad idea Pt.1 '

May 26th, 2012

Scientific and citizen forum on radiation Dr. Busby 12.05.2012 Geneva (Swizerland) and The Case Against Centralized Nuclear and Coal Power Plants.

Exposing the Death Lust....

May 25th, 2012


Exposing the Death Lust of the Military/Security complex.

Kucinich: US 'sanction warfare' makes real Iran war inevitable

May 23rd, 2012

Russia Today

War mentality has saturated Washington and arms merchants want to benefit, says Congressman (d) Dennis Kucinich. He opposes sanctions against Tehran that could lead to war, and is sure the US should forget about trying to conquer other countries.

What's wrong with the Greeks? [Swedish documentary - subbed]

May 22nd, 2012


A Swedish documentary about the economic crisis in Greece. The documentary was made from Alexandra Pascalidou on behalf of SVT Swedish television. The original video had Swedish subtitles so I was forced to put a black background behind the English ones. Only free opensource tools were used: Gnome Subtitles

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