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The International Banking Cartel (I)

November 22nd, 2012


They own and control everything. They are the masters of all life on earth and all humanity are their slaves.

9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!

November 20th, 2012


In this video we learn that 9/11 was definitely an inside job. There were both numerous benefactors, and numerous reasons why the 9/11 mass murder was carried out against the American people. On that day America was raped, murdered and looted. Those who carried out this treasonous crime are fabulously wealthy, powerful and highly respected individuals who will never be brought to justice within the corrupt American system. Watch this older video and learn who was hired to carry out the mass murder on 9/11. Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11

Hitler spoke on various occasions about the art of lying to and fooling the masses: "The great mass of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one. The people will believe a big lie, but not a small lie... Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it... big lies are easier for the simple-minded to believe."

This act of killing thousands of innocent Americans, knocking down three buildings, and firing a missile at our Pentagon, is an act so outrageous and treasonous that it is almost impossible for people to comprehend. People just can't grasp that such arrogance, greed, and criminality exists within our system, therefor the lie about Osama bin Laden and a terrorist attack is believed.

Gaza Murder Machine: Every second bomb death a civilian

November 19th, 2012


Israel's escalating its offensive on Gaza - the number of deaths has doubled within the past day, and now exceeds 80. Almost half the Palestinians killed are believed to be civilians - mostly women and children, with many more feared still trapped under rubble. Journalist and eyewitness Harry Fear brings us his account of what's happening in Gaza. You should be aware that some of the images we're about to show are graphic.


November 15th, 2012


"Warning Graphic Footage! This is HOW USA is spreading our wonderful peace and democracy... Is this what Obama and NATO have planned for us?"

Ron Paul Farewell Speech: 5 Greatest Dangers Facing America Today

November 15th, 2012

by PlanetEarthAwakens01

What are the greatest dangers that the American people face today and impede the goal of a free society? There are five.

1. The continuous attack on our civil liberties which threatens the rule of law and our ability to resist the onrush of tyranny.

2. Violent anti-Americanism that has engulfed the world. Because the phenomenon of "blow-back" is not understood or denied, our foreign policy is destined to keep us involved in many wars that we have no business being in. National bankruptcy and a greater threat to our national security will result.

3. The ease in which we go to war, without a declaration by Congress, but accepting international authority from the UN or NATO even for preemptive wars, otherwise known as aggression.

4. A financial political crisis as a consequence of excessive debt, unfunded liabilities, spending, bailouts, and gross discrepancy in wealth distribution going from the middle class to the rich. The danger of central economic planning, by the Federal Reserve must be understood.

5. World government taking over local and US sovereignty by getting involved in the issues of war, welfare, trade, banking, a world currency, taxes, property ownership, and private ownership of guns.

Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress 11/14/12 adress

They Took Our Jobs - Immigration Stories You Are Not Supposed to Hear H-1B H-2B Visas

November 11th, 2012


Your government is run by corrupt puppets who have sold you out. They don't care about you or your country. They became politicians so they can take payoffs and get rich. This is how Laws that benefit the greedy corporate few at the cost of the people are passed.

Controlled Worldwide Economic Collapse Planned

November 11th, 2012


"The bankers are the problem"

Who Owns the World? Noam Chomsky on US-Fueled Dangers From Climate Change to Nuclear War 2/3

October 28th, 2012


In the week when President Obama and Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney debated issues of foreign policy and the economy, we turn to world-renowned political dissident, linguist, author and MIT Professor, Noam Chomsky. In a recent speech, Chomsky examined topics largely ignored or glossed over during the campaign: China, the Arab Spring, global warming, nuclear proliferation, and the military threat posed by Israel and the U.S. versus Iran. He reflects on the Cuban missile crisis, which took place 50 years ago this week, and is still referred to as "the most dangerous moment in human history." He delivered this talk last month at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, at an event sponsored by the Center for Popular Economics. Chomsky's talk was entitled, "Who Owns the World?"

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