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'Tiny audience’: Victoria Nuland downplays RT's threat to US media, rejects proposal to ban channel

January 28th, 2015

There's no need to shut down RT in the US – that's the message coming from Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary at the US State Department. RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports. READ MORE:

Paul Craig Roberts-US Government Most Corrupt on Earth

December 30th, 2014

Greg Hunter

On the teetering economy and possible economic collapse, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “We know something serious is wrong. The only provision of Dodd-Frank that has any teeth is the provision that says if the big banks are going to be casinos and gamble on derivatives, they cannot do that in the depository institution where depositors have their accounts. They have to farm it out into subsidiaries. So, if the subsidiaries get into trouble, the subsidiaries have no access to depositor’s money. This is the only real reform part of Dodd-Frank. Citigroup got put into the recent spending bill, the repeal of this, so banks can gamble on derivatives, and taxpayers and depositors are on the hook for the losses. Why would you do that unless you had a lot of derivatives trouble. It could easily be the oil derivatives. . . . The banks can gamble all they want and they are covered by the FDIC, which has no money. . . . This gives the banks access to depositor’s money. . . . This is sick, and it shows the United States government is the most corrupt government on earth, far more corrupt than Russia or China.”

Uncut Chronicles: Gaza-Israel War. Deadly July 2014

December 24th, 2014


The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) began their current operation against Hamas after three teens were kidnapped and killed. The military op has already claimed over 1,500 civilian lives in Gaza. The fragile humanitarian ceasefires end within minutes of creation pushing the region into further bloodshed.

"To Protect and Serve" to Death

December 13th, 2014

They have been intentionally granted unlimited power, the power of judge, jury, executioner, and torturer. They have been given the power to destroy thousands of innocent American lives every year. The police are almost never punished. Most of the rights Americans once enjoyed have been stripped away by the Bush and Obama puppet regimes. The police and government serve one master, the international banking system and a handful of multi trillionaires otherwise known as globalists. They decide if the American people are ground down and brutalized.

Hardly A Debate – Gilad Atzmon vs. Geoffrey Alderman

December 5th, 2014

From Gilad Atzmon

Yesterday I was invited by Press TV to participate in their daily program, ‘The Debate.’ In the last few years I have occasionally participated on the show. Usually I am confronted with banal Hasbara mouthpieces. I tend to demolish their arguments within the first round of questions.

Yesterday, I was asked to debate professor Geoffrey Alderman – an avid Zionist academic. To my great surprise Alderman and I agreed on pretty much everything: we had similar views on Israeli politics, the nature of the Jewish State, Netanyahu's Politics, Netanyahu’s engineered crisis, Jewish Lobby Domination in the West and other topics. Fascinating exchange but hardly a debate.

For the last decade I have been chased by Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists who wrote Jewish petitions against me and tried every Talmudic trick to silence my criticism of Jewish power and Jewish ID politics. I have also been harassed by some Trotskyites and even a list of 20 Palestinians who called for my ‘disavowal.’ These attempts to stop me achieved the opposite – if anything, they proved my point regarding Jewish dissent being a corrosive controlled opposition apparatus.

In all this time, not a single one of my Jewish anti Zionist or Trotskyite detractors have had the guts to debate me. But somehow, rabid Zionists and hard-core Hasbara agents are made from different materials. They must have have a modicum of dignity and confidence in their system.

My conclusion may upset some. As a thinker and an artist stimulated by challenge and titillated by intellectual provocation, I prefer to deal with hard core Zionists and Israeli Right wing ideologues rather than with the so-called ‘anti’ and their culture of deceit. At least with Zionists, I know exactly what I am up against.


Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon author of The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics, available on or

Our planet, is dying

December 3rd, 2014


Those who own and control the banking systems and corporations, those who control the governments and fight the wars for profit, those who are driven by greed and power madness are destroying our earth. The corporate capitalist paradigm of endless extraction from the planet and every person and every living thing will continue until the ecosystem is irreparably damaged and can no longer sustain life.

Press TV: Prospects of 3rd Intifada In Palestine-Khaled Waleed & Gilad Atzmon

December 1st, 2014

from Gilad Atzmon

An interesting discussion on Press TV's The Sun Will Rise: 3rd Intifada, Palestinian resistance, Israel's National Bill and the Jewishness of the Jewish State.

Gilad Atzmon author of The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics, available on or

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