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"Final Warning: America's Last Chance Before Collapse" |

April 30th, 2024


Critical race theory, critical legal theory the George Soros prosecutors the politicization of the election, getting the presidential nominee off the ballot, two standards of justice one for Biden and another for Donald Trump, the Jack Smith investigation. The destruction of our downtowns in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Washington. The soaring crime rate that nobody wants to talk about, the open border, and 8 million illegal aliens invited into the country. It's a civilization in free fall. Paraphrasing the proem to Livy's "Monumental History of Rome", he said: "When you know the problem and you know what has to be done but you can't take those measures because of the social disdain, the odium or the impediments, then that society collapses." We know we have to close the border we know we have to tell people who came here illegally to go back where they came from and apply for entry legally. But we know that would be a monumental task, we know we have to put people in jail who assault people, steal, and carjack, but we know that our prisons would fill up again and we know what that would be like as far as the democrat left's loss of support.

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Diana West Warns about the Dark and Evil Nature of the Covid 'Vaccine' Program

April 30th, 2024


“The Bioweapon is the Shot” | “There are all kinds of things in the vaccine toolbox to kill or control you.” “I think it’s hard to overstate the evil of this vaccine program,” claims Diana West in an exclusive interview for RAIR Foundation USA. “We are governed by people of dark criminality.”  West, a widely syndicated columnist, former CNN contributor, best-selling author, and Yale graduate, believes that the COVID-19 vaccine campaign was just one cog in a giant wheel, accelerating us towards a total loss of our freedoms as we have known them to date. “I don’t think there’s been a time in history when there have been so many dark forces pressing in on our existence, even at a microscopic level. It has been a huge education for me. I’ve been forced to learn so much about biology. Now I’m trying to proselytize the fact that the vaccine is going to kill you. It’s one thing to have an enemy try to kill you; it’s another to have people standing next to you who won’t even notice it or raise the issue and ask if there’s a problem.”  While data has shown a huge leap in excess deaths across Europe in 2022, West refers to Edward Dowd, a BlackRock whistleblower who published an analysis on deaths in the U.S. for the latter part of 2021. Dowd discovered that in the millennial cohort, those aged 25 to 45, there were 68,000 more deaths than expected. For the boomers, those over 65, that figure was 300,000. “This was a Vietnam War event for the millennial generation over those ten months,” says West. “And for the boomers, this was a WW11-sized event.”

‘If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead,’ says Naomi Wolf, author of Facing the Beast

April 30th, 2024


Evil beyond anything in the recorded history of humanity is now among us. Most, if not all the world's leaders are controlled by it and willing participants in it. It is eugenocide, the culling of humanity on a world scale. It makes the combined murders of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao look insignificant. It appears to be the work of the antichrist. After you are exposed to the information in this video, your world view will forever be altered, and your eyes opened. The American people will know that their usurper puppet leader is a soulless mass murderer who takes pleasure in their extermination. It is a simple unembellished statement of fact to say that he is the epitome of a traitor, and his actions define the meaning of treason. This video will probably be removed from YouTube, so watch it while you can.

Link on Bitchute;

‘We want to become Russian citizens’ | Family with 6 Children Fled the USA

April 27th, 2024


They reject woke, corrupt, homosexual, pedophile democrat America. They didn't want their children exposed to transvestitism and transgenderism in the democrat run educational system. They didn't want their children to be indoctrinated and sexually mutilated by the democrats. Because they are Christians they were labeled as terrorists by the woke democrat Biden government. They fled the country before their children could be taken from them by democrats and their lives destroyed. They are very happy now in Russia enjoying traditional family values and the hope for a new safe and secure life. When a country destroys its children it has no future. America has become a giant democrat Jonestown, inviting tens of millions of illegal alliins to their destruction.

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Republicans Issue Blunt Warning To Biden Over Major Energy Production Decision

April 20th, 2024


The republicans act as though they don't understand why Biden hurts America and helps Iran and China. They just can't say why all of Biden's decisions are destroying the United States and crushing the American people. "His decisions are so boneheaded" they say. In reality, Biden is not boneheaded, he is very focused. He has one objective, to completely and permanently destroy America economically, culturally, and morally, which he is doing with great effect. Biden was put into power by a blatantly rigged election to serve the interests of the global elite.

Biden has given the bulk of America's oil reserves to China while shutting off oil production in the United States, killing millions of jobs and economically devastating the country. American cities have fallen into disrepair, while millions of Americans are homeless and out of work. Instead of helping the American people, Biden is sending hundreds of billions of dollars borrowed from the Federal Reserve Bank to Ukraine for endless war. Biden does this for his global elite masters to keep the American people in debt enslavement while profiting the military industrial complex and depopulating the earth.

After the Hamas-led massacre in Israel planned and funded by the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the more than 40 attacks on U.S. troops by Iran’s proxies, Biden has given Iran access to more than $10 billion. The world's leaders see that America is being intentionally destroyed from within, and they are dumping the dollar. America is loosing its world reserve currency status and the dollar is collapsing. An invading army could not do such damage to America as Biden the traitor and his gang of democrat thieves.

Now Biden is winning the election. The stunningly stupid American people actually want Biden to continue as president for another four years. He will finish the destruction of the country, turning it into a corrupt third world communist hell, from which there will be no return. The majority of Americans deserve Biden while the minority who still posses critical thinking skills should relocate to another country.


April 18th, 2024


Welcome to America under the woke democrats and Biden. In six months, Trump will either be in prison or dead and Biden will finish destroying America. If you think things are bad now, you ain't seen nuthin yet! Get a passport while you can.

Former Athens-Clarke Negro police officer Roger Williams filed a federal lawsuit against the Athens-County, Ohio government on the grounds that he was discriminated against when he was fired in 2021 for using excessive force. Williams is suing for back pay, lost benefits, punitive damages and other fees and costs associated with the litigation.

So it wasn't the innocent young woman's rights that were blatantly violated, but the power mad thug cop's rights. Ultimately, Williams will be rewarded with a big pile of money. One has to wonder why wasn't this sadistic cop charged with police brutality or attempted murder? The answer is simple. In Biden's America, the enforcers of repression are a protected class. Obviously, America is no longer free and there are better places in the world to live.

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