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"Final Warning: America's Last Chance Before Collapse" |

April 30th, 2024

Link: https://youtu.be/5Aq2xd6ccgE?si=HOrdLbgrlnCjzUG2

Critical race theory, critical legal theory the George Soros prosecutors the politicization of the election, getting the presidential nominee off the ballot, two standards of justice one for Biden and another for Donald Trump, the Jack Smith investigation. The destruction of our downtowns in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Washington. The soaring crime rate that nobody wants to talk about, the open border, and 8 million illegal aliens invited into the country. It's a civilization in free fall. Paraphrasing the proem to Livy's "Monumental History of Rome", he said: "When you know the problem and you know what has to be done but you can't take those measures because of the social disdain, the odium or the impediments, then that society collapses." We know we have to close the border we know we have to tell people who came here illegally to go back where they came from and apply for entry legally. But we know that would be a monumental task, we know we have to put people in jail who assault people, steal, and carjack, but we know that our prisons would fill up again and we know what that would be like as far as the democrat left's loss of support.

We know that the homeless problem has to be solved, we have to build mental institutions, and we have to build humane areas where they can be transported with shelter and medical care away from the downtown, but we know that would require coercion to put them on buses and get them help. And we can't do that. We're paralyzed and we know it's not healthy that our beautiful cities now have excrement on the sidewalks, and that citizens are being assaulted by the homeless, but the left can handle that, they just can't handle being told that they're fascist or that they're mean. When a society gets to that stasis the veneer of civilization is very thin. Once that thin layer of civilization is stripped away you see human nature in the raw and it's not a pretty site, as you see at Market Street in San Francisco, you see the smash and grab in Washington, you see a Saturday night in the inner city of Chicago. You see Gavin Newsom or the Biden family just free to do whatever they want and flaunt the law. I think everybody has to realize something about the left: This is a bunch of very wealthy people who are well-connected. In the California version, it's Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, and Gavin Newsom. These people are responsible for the state, they're all very wealthy they're all from political families they all know each other and they're all hard left and the consequences of their politics never apply to them or their friends, they don't want to pay $20 an hour. The owner of Panera Bread with 2,000 franchises Nationwide donated to Gavin Newsom's campaign and is now exempt from the new $20. an hour minimum wage law. He's a billionaire, and just think of how tight and cheap these people are. They force $20 an hour down the throats of small businesses and franchise owners and then just to save $4 an hour in some 20 Panera Bread outlets the billionaire owner gets an exemption and then Gavin Newsom lies about it. Our representative from Fresno Joaquin Arambula Jr just introduced a bill qualifying illegal aliens who are massing at the Border in huge numbers to be eligible for low-interest discount loans for the underprivileged. So what they're telling the middle class of California that can't afford a home you should just go down to Mexico renounce your citizenship and come back in illegally and you'll be eligible for low interest impoverished loan. And it has driven out the entrepreneur and the small businessperson. 10 million have left in the last 30 years. It's become a medieval State of very poor people and very wealthy people. I was in Arizona at a Bradley Foundation meeting. I looked at the gas price, and it was $3.40. 2 hours later I looked again and it was $5.90 I couldn't believe it. California is the fifth largest holder of natural gas and oil reserves of the 50 states and everything is just insane what they're doing and you can't afford it. You have to be poor and then you get subsidies you get subsidized electricity, subsidized this subsidized that so don't report your income they don't go after you, or if you're very wealthy you can pay and then the people in between leave. Everybody should remember when you see all these people coming across the border, if they come across and they are 100% American in attitude and values and training and they're productive I think that's wonderful. But when you have so many people come so quickly, and they don't have English and they don't have legality and they don't have an audit background and many of them don't have a high school diploma and many of them come from illiberal impoverished societies. And they're greeting a host who has lost confidence in the melting pot and requires nothing other than to give free stuff to the Immigrant. And the host country doesn't say if you're going to come here you have 90 days to take a citizenship test they don't require anything. Well, then why wouldn't the people bring the values of the country they came from in other words we have people from the Congo we have people from China, we have people from Venezuela, we have people from Wakaka. They will just act as if they were in their countries here and that's what's happened. This is Joe Biden's America now. There is no law. If you think about it their law is proforma smash and grab, no law, shoplifting no law, everybody knows it. And so what do you do? You go to a red state where there are laws that are enforced. Trump has an ad out about the tragic death in Georgia, it's devastating. For the first 10 seconds It just has everybody saying the border is secure the border is not open. Karin Jean Pierre: "The Border has always been secure it's never been more secure" Joe Biden: "The border is secure." And then it shows pictures of the crime scene and pictures of the Assailant and what he was doing. And it's Joe Biden's America and it's very dangerous in Joe Biden's America. The left looks at all of these things as acceptable collateral damage. They didn't talk about the young student. They talked about the dangers of a young woman jogging because they're anti-humanists and they'll never talk about the damage in real terms, "well we have to break some eggs" It's a civilizational crisis of free fall and it has to be arrested very quickly or we're going to be third world country. It's happened very quickly. I think the lockdown and the disastrous COVID quarantine, the George Floyd mania, the whole Trump derangement syndrome, it was kind of like a perfect storm that wrecked the country. And the Renaissance has to begin very quickly. Things change very quickly I think people forget that. Remember we keep quoting that line from The Sun Also Rises. San Francisco had problems in 2008 2010 2015 then suddenly around 2021 or 22 it just all imploded. That's one of the reasons for the first time I think Donald Trump is going to win. It's not so much about Donald Trump, this election is about whether you're for civilization or not. It's that simple you're for civilization or you're not.

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