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Banned from YouTube America's Frontline Doctors Hold 2nd Summit in DC

October 20th, 2020


The second White Coat Summit was held in Washington D.C. October 16-17, 2020. Its purpose was to have frontline doctors talk directly to the American public, educate and inform policy leaders, and create alliances to enable physicians to heal our nation.

Its emphasis was on the proven success of early treatment.


The science and common sense are clear: Wearing masks makes you sick and stupid.

FIRSTLY, wearing a mask to protect yourself against a virus is like using a chain-link fence to shield yourself from mosquitoes.

The primary method viruses infect people are through aerosol particles which are approx. 2.5 micrometers in diameter.

The thickness of human hair is by comparison 30 times larger (70 micrometers to 2.5 micrometers). It is idiotic to use a mask to protect yourself against a virus by wearing a mask , it simply does not work.
One note on surgical masks: Surgeons/nurses wear masks in an entirely different manner. They wear masks to protect against saliva dropping out of their mouth into the patients cut-open body. Surgical masks do not protect the patient from viruses via aerosol particles only saliva.

SECOND, wearing a mask reduces the amount of oxygen inhaled into the lungs and eventually into the bloodstream while also increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your body. The combined effects of these two changes reduces the amount of oxygen that goes into the brain.
What is the ultimate result? You suffer a reduction in mental cognitive function. In layman terms you become stupidier.

THIRD, wearing a mask reduces your immune systems effectiveness at fighting diseases and infections via increases in cortisol levels (stress hormone) in the blood. In other words, masks make you MORE susceptible to disease not less.

You are more likely to get COVID-19 if you wear a mask than if you do not.
That is an exmaple of Satanic Globalist Marxist Democratic logic for you right there.

FOURTH, most masks are made from materials that when inhaled are likely to cause increased risk of lung cancer and other respiratory related diseases.

Wear a mask, get cancer, get lung disease.

FIFTH, almost no medical studies have been done on the long term use of masks on people particularly children.

Why don't we have medical studies to cite that show masks are safe? First, they must be proven to be safe in order to demand their mass use.

SIXTH, wearing a mask cannot be a directive since it goes against the Charter of Rights and Freedom (Canada) and Constitution of the United States.

No politician, no bureaucrat , no judge can order a Canadian (nor American) citizen to wear a mask for any reason.

No one can tell you how to breathe the fresh air.

That is a gift from GOD, our Creator. The Charter (and Constitution) forbids anyone from telling us how to breathe.

More to the point, today these cretins are telling us to wear a facial mask, tomorrow it will be a hazmat suit, where and when does it end?

FINALLY, wearing a mask is an effective FEAR-creation tool that reminds the wearer to always live in fear, never be calm , never be relaxed, to always wonder about impending disease and death. This is a psychic payload delivery mechanism to instill and maintain fear in the entire population.

Wearing a mask is Anti-Human, Anti-Life.

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