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Dennis Kucinich on CBS News 02-04-09

February 6th, 2009

The name of this video could have been ‘Capitalism Explodes’, because it is literally exploding as the American economic system collapses dragging the rest of the world down with it. The people and the remaining honest competent politicians aren’t happy about the brutal economic exploitation, which is killing the country and amazingly, they have begun to resist.

The momentum of resistance is building and events are accelerating. Its like a kind of awakening, as people begin to realize what destructive and traitorous things have been done to them and to their country by government corruption, by a privately owned Federal Reserve banking system, and by corporations.

This time in human history, could be a one in a million chance, an opportunity for the people to seize control. But there is great danger, the stakes are astronomically high and the looters aren’t finished yet.

They want trillions of dollars more and they will kill to get it. The banking system fully intends to drain the American people’s last economic life’s blood into foreign investments just before the monetary system collapses. The banks are profiting obscenely as if conducting the largest hostile takeover and liquidation in history. When there is nothing left to steal they will cut the American people adrift in a sea of debt.

The people should stand up and take their country back while their arch foes the neocons, the republicans, are on the ropes. This chance may never come again. If the people and what’s left of their government move swiftly with legal force they can take the country away from the looters, the corrupt, and the despotic… because if they don’t stop the economic looting, the bleeding by the banks, fostered by corrupt and ineffective government, America will suffer total economic collapse.

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