Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Biden Must Resettle At Least 200K Afghans in U.S.

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says President Joe Biden’s administration must resettle at least 200,000 Afghans across the United States as part of its withdrawal from Afghanistan. Never let a crisis go to waste. They will all be forced to get the… more »

Report: 4,100 Americans Remain Stranded, Many ‘Not in or Around Kabul’

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
About 4,400 Americans have been extracted in Biden’s evacuationThe State Department has denied 4,100 is the exact number stranded. It is unknown how Americans might reach the airport extraction point due to the Taliban controlling the majority of the… more »

Estimated Four-Fifths of Afghanistan’s Budget Has Disappeared in Wake of US Retreat

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Washington spent $2 trillion and 20 years trying to build a functioning Afghan government and military.. 80 percent of Afghanistan’s budget has vanished now the Taliban has taken over and Kabul’s western patrons have cut funding, International Rescue… more »

“Outrage” After Biden Admin Provides Taliban With Names Of Americans, Afghan Allies To Evacuate

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Biden administration officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice which “prompted outrage from… more »

The Middle East is running out of water, and parts of it are becoming uninhabitable

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Urmia was the Middle East’s biggest lake, It has more than halved in size – from 5,400 square kilometers (2,085 square miles) in the 1990s to just 2,500 square kilometers (965 square miles) today. There are concerns it will disappear entirely. Declining… more »

Alaska woman denied life-sustaining treatment for declining the COVID jab

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Courtney Chavez suffers from multiple autoimmune diseases, a blood clotting disorder and a bleeding disease. Since 2007 has received life-sustaining treatment for her bleeding disease In July,, Chavez said she got a call from Dr. O’Fallon’s office… more »

We Are Facing The Worst Water Crisis In U.S. History As Thousands Of Wells In The Southwest Go Dry

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Southern California water agency issued a supply alert, to conserve vital resources and prepare for continued drought. Water levels in the Colorado River keep dropping, ,many major cities in the Southwest are deeply dependent on it. California produces… more »

Music will be banned in Afghanistan and women will need a male chaperone if they travel alone for three days, Taliban leader says

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
A Taliban leader announced music will be banned in Afghanistan and women will be required to travel with a male chaperone on trips that last several days, as he promises the Taliban will be more liberal than 20 years ago. and that his regime will not… more »

BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, 44, died due to incredibly rare blood clot complications caused by AstraZeneca covid vaccine three weeks after she had first jab, coroner rules

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
BBC presenter Lisa Shaw died due to complications from AstraZeneca vaccine, a coroner concluded,believed to be the first time a Covid jab has officially been ruled the cause of death in the UK.The healthy 44-year-old, died after developing headaches,… more »

Big Pharma developing new drug to treat adverse reactions caused by covid “vaccines” … because the insanity never ends

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
“Anti-spike antibodies” induced by Chinese Virus injections “can have a pathogenic effect through binding to sick lung epithelium cells and misleading immune responses to attack self-cells.” Researchers working on a new drug to prevent and treat this… more »

NHS plans Covid-19 vaccination for 12-year-olds that would NOT require parental permission – reports

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
UK National Health Service (NHS) reportedly made plans to vaccinate children as young as 12 without the their parents’ permission.. NHS’ plan angered many people and threatened to pull their children out of public schooling. Many European Union… more »

Blackwater founder finds new income stream in flying Americans out of Kabul at $6,500 PER SEAT – reports

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Erik Prince, mercenary reportedly charging $6,500 to fly people out of the country as evac deadline nears.. Chartered planes reportedly leaving with seats empty,, bureaucratic tangles keeping people stuck in place. Taliban set up checkpoints, making… more »

Italian evacuation plane comes under fire as it takes off from Kabul – reports

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
Italian Air Force C-130J Super Hercules came under machine-gun fire as it took off from Hamid Karzai airport in Afghan capital of Kabul. No injuries reported, pilot forced to take evasive action; .made a tactical take-off to escape gunfire. UK minister… more »

We were the ones to warn NATO about potential terrorist plot targeting Kabul airport, Taliban spokesman tells Russian media

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
The Taliban claimed credit for tipping off NATO forces about a potential terrorist plot targeting Hamid Karzai international airport. The would-be bomb attack was meant to discredit them. .The plan was to provoke chaos and violence at the airport and… more »

Pentagon confirms EXPLOSION outside airport in Afghanistan's capital

August 26th, 2021
Categories: News
At least 13 people, including children, have reportedly been killed in an apparent suicide attack outside the Kabul airport on Thursday, with media suggesting that US troops may have been injured as well. Officials warning that the airport could be a… more »

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