Mask-free Sweden nears zero daily Covid deaths as chief epidemiologist warns against ‘far-reaching conclusions’ about Delta strain

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
CDC urges Americans to mask up against Delta variant, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist argued more data is needed about the strain’s infectiousness. His mask-free nation is hovering at zero Covid deaths per day. more »

MICHIGAN: 60% Of Deer Have COVID Antibodies, Suggesting Species Will Not Be Eradicated Without Vaccines

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
Researchers claim 60% of the deer population in Michigan have been exposed to the dreaded COVID-19 virus, and 33% of such deer have antibodies for the virus, suggesting they recovered fully without a respirator, experimental therapies, or a vaccine. more »

While they scare you with “variants,” Congress wants to make dietary supplements prescription only – TAKE ACTION NOW

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again attempting to eliminate your freedom to access dietary supplements, this time by slipping his own hidden bill into the upcoming appropriations bill, require you get them through a doctor with a prescription, make… more »

Nancy Pelosi backs Biden and says pathway for millions of immigrants to get citizenship SHOULD be included in $3.5T budget plan that could pass without Republican support

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
She wouldn't get into specifics how an immigration proposal - which would likely give DACA recipients and others pathway to citizenship - would comply with Senate reconciliation rules saying, 'But we know we have a very good case for this to be… more »

Chinese tech stocks suffer worst sell-off since global financial crisis as Beijing pledges to step up screening of US-listed firms

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
Big Chinese tech stocks listed in the US have suffered their worst month since October 2008 as the latest clampdown by China’s regulators forced investors to reassess the world’s largest stock market, triggering a major sell-off. The abrupt declines in… more »

Mexico won’t be ‘hostage’ to Big Pharma, president says, as internet predicts trouble after country rejects Covid jabs for kids

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
President Andres Manuel López Obrador refused to purchase Covid vaccines for children, vowing Mexico wouldn’t bow to pressure from drugs firms; waiting for scientific community to demonstrate benefits of vaccinating minors, adding that pharmaceutical… more »

American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
Only the beginning – as ‘vaccine passports’ becomes the new normal across the globe, there’s little doubt that an entire sophisticated counterfeit documents industry will arise – if it hasn’t already. more »

PBS's Yamiche Alcindor: 'White Male Conservative Voters' to Blame For New CDC Crackdown

July 31st, 2021
Categories: News
PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor declared that "white male conservative voters" and former President Trump are to blame for the CDC's flip-flopping on their latest guidelines that says vaccinated people should be wearing masks. more »

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