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Incarceration's Effect on Economic Mobility

December 1st, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

The Pew Charitable Trusts "uses public opinion polling and other research tools to produce reports that track important issues and trends." Its new report is titled, "Collateral Costs: Incarceration's Effect on Economic Mobility," focusing on America's burgeoning prison population and enormous cost. Now over $50 billion annually, it "consum(es) 1 in every 15 general fund dollars."

The nation spends recklessly on harshness, leaving little little left for society's needs. No wonder Pew found that people today are worse off than their parents at the same age, and "42 percent of Americans whose parents were in the bottom fifth of the income ladder remain there themselves as adults." As for race, Americans of color, especially Blacks, fare significantly worse than whites.

Pew studied the relationship between incarceration and mobility, asking to what extent does it create lasting impediments to economic progress. Overall, how does America's burgeoning prison population affect the American dream? Negatively, in fact, for the vast majority because authorities make it so.

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Will the Palestinian Authority declare an independent state... or collapse?

November 30th, 2010

Stuart Littlewood

Either might force international community’s hand, suggests Halper

The other day I looked back with sadness on how nothing had changed for the better since my last trip to Palestine three years ago. On that occasion I also visited Gaza, an experience indelibly etched on my memory.

The situation there only goes from bad to worse - intolerably worse. But if I'm dispirited, heaven knows how the average Palestinian must feel as a result of the incompetent leadership they have had to endure these last 63 years… a leadership which failed to coherently argue and convey the justice of the Palestinian cause and never bothered, even to this day, to formulate and put into action an effective communications plan to win freedom.

The Israelis, though accomplished propagandists, are not very bright. In the battle for hearts and minds they have a violent story to tell and a lousy reputation to defend. And it’s getting worse every day. In their greed they score potentially damaging own-goals and leave the moral high ground to their victims.

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Is Christmas Imploding?

November 30th, 2010

By Numerian posted by Michael Collins

Not only is Christmas no longer a religious holiday, the whole purpose of Christmas has become the ritual of shopping for gifts. So important has gift-buying become, that the media are fascinated by scorecards and metrics that help Americans understand how well they are doing at their shopping obligations. Of course, there is the ubiquitous clock counting down the days left for shopping.

The mighty American marketing machine known as Christmas put on a brave front this weekend. Stores across the country opened up earlier than ever – some as early as 2:00 a.m. on Friday morning – and shoppers responded. Some consumers gave up their Thanksgiving Thursday altogether by using that day to stake their position on a sidewalk outside Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, or Sears. The rewards were high – those who were first in the store on Black Friday had the best shot at buying at deep, deep discounts. Flat screen HDTVs, which were otherwise priced at $1,000 minimum, were on sale for $300, but only on Black Friday and only to the earliest few into the store. (Image)

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The THAT Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11

November 30th, 2010

THAT the Bush administration benefited so mightily from 9/11, a reasonable person (or investigation) might find it prudent to at least question possible complicity. Even the minimalist LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) complicity scenario constitutes high treason. Therefore, one has to wonder if the in-your-face demonstration of incredible political power by the administration was intended to have the effect it finally had - to convince everyone it was an Inside Job.

The idea that the Bush Administration would advertise the foreign warnings that were ignored, quashing domestic investigations, cancelling Counterterrorism Task Force meetings, rewriting air emergency response protocols and staging distracting aerial war games is so absurd, they assumed you would conclude it was an Inside Job.

There is now more than enough compelling evidence of such outrageous in-your-face official misconduct, foul play, perjury, and obstruction of justice to lead anyone to the inescapable conclusion the CIA is behind the 911 Truth Movement. [2]

THAT so many influential figures in and close to the Bush White House had expressed, just a year before the attacks, the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" before their militarist ambitions could be fulfilled, is so obviously meant to convince you it was an Inside Job, you would be left with no choice but to conclude the public statements found at the PNAC website were planned [planted] by the CIA at the same time as the 911 Truth Movement.

THAT multiple military wargames and simulations of terrorists hijacking planes and crashing them into important buildings in the NE sector of the United States were underway ON the very morning of 9/11 -" when terrorists [according to the media] actually hijacked planes and crashed them into important buildings in the NE sector of the United States (Operation Vigilant Guardian)is either one of those coincidences that don't happen very often" like the same person winning the lottery three weeks in a row OR this highly improbably scenario was intended to convince the Truthers it was an Inside Job.

THAT Hani Hanjour, the pilot of Flight 77, was so incompetent he couldn't fly a Cessna in August, but in September managed to fly a 767 at excessive speed into a spiraling, 270-degree descent and a level impact of the first floor of the Pentagon, could only mean one thing to the Pilots for 9/11 Truth: it was an Inside Job. Why else would the CIA pick Hani Honjour to hijack Flight 77?

THAT you can hardly swing a cat without hitting a Bush connection is common knowledge.

1.      THAT George Bush was POTUS on 9/11.

2.      THAT The Bush family had long-standing business ties to the Bin Laden family fortune.

3.      THAT Jim Pierce, President Bush's cousin managing director of AON Corporations, had arranged a business conference on the 105th floor of the South Tower where its New York offices were based. But his group was too large so they decided to move across the street to the Millennium Hotel. [ Annova ]

4.      THAT George Bush's brother Marvin sat on the board of the Kuwaiti-owned company which provided electronic security to the World Trade Center.

5.      THAT Jonathan Bush's Riggs Bank had been found guilty of laundering terrorist funds and fined a US-record $25 million must have embarrassed his nephew George. AND

THAT there is a total of 5 Bush connections on 9/11.

THAT there are 4 letters in the name Bush, 5+4 = 9.

THAT there are 7 letters in the name George W., 7+4 =11. all proves 9/11 was an Inside Job.

THAT Osama bin Laden, known to have been an asset of US foreign policy, in no way implies that he still is .

THAT he did it. That he didn't do it. That Bush wanted him DEAD or alive but later didn't think much about him. That the FBI says they don't have any hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/1 1 - what is that about?

is so much misinformation surrounding this poor dupe it's hard to know where to start.

Let's just say that if you were planning 9/11 and wanted to blame it on a dialysis patient you might want to tell Dan Rather to keep it quiet that Osama had been admitted to a Pakistani military hospital on September 10, 2001. (CBS)

Here is the conclusion

I could go on. And on and on. But I trust that you get the point. Which is simply this: THAT there are no secrets. An American government would never publicize that they accept civilian casualties for geostrategic gain, unless such a conspiracy was intended for the weak-minded and gullible 911 Truthers.

Click here to read how gullible the 911Truthers really are.

Did you know that Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test)?

US Senate passes the Patriot Act for Food, S510, by a vote of 73 to 25

November 30th, 2010

By Rady Ananda

Today, the US Senate passed the Patriot Act for Food, S510, by a vote of 73 to 25. We can expect to watch the raids on natural foods increase, and we can expect continued malicious prosecution of growers, like the 2-acre gardener in Georgia.

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November 30th, 2010

by Mary Pitt

This was a dominant theme by some of the Republicans who appeared on the weekend "news" talk shows as they advocated early adjournment by the current Congressmen. Their argument? These people have already faced the voters and lost so they should just fold their tents and quietly go home, leaving the nation unattended and its citizens without even a fiscal budget until the Republicans can be sworn in and "take the helm."

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Massive Fraud in Haiti's Sham Elections

November 30th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

On November 28, Haiti held first round legislative and presidential elections, a previous article explaining that democracy was off the ballot, accessed through the following link:

The entire process was rigged, 15 parties excluded, including by far the most popular, Aristide's Fanmi Lavalas. Under the most dire conditions, it was a cruel joke, not even equivalent to what Edward Herman called "demonstration elections" in his 1980 book by that title, sham ones assuring installation of US-friendly candidates, elections in name only.

On November 28, it was worse, so bad, in fact, that world headlines explained it. For example, New York Times writers Damien Cave and Randol Archibold headlined, "Haitian Candidates Call to Void Election," saying:

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Smells Like Genocide...

November 30th, 2010


November 30th, 2010


It is an "attack on the international community," said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in reference to the release of 250.000 secret cables by Wikileaks.

Clinton is correct, this is indeed a long overdue, necessary attack on an ‘international community’ of war mongers and war criminals.

The leaked cables reveal a very gloomy picture of the state of our world current affairs : It unveils a clear dichotomy between the people of the world and our conflict driven political leadership.

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The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks

November 30th, 2010

by Stephen Lendman

On November 28, WikiLeaks began releasing over 250,000 leaked State Department and US Embassy cables (many designated "secret"), dating from 1966 through end of February 2010. Their content ranges from embarrassing to important revelations about US spying on allies and the UN, ignoring corruption and human rights abuses in "client states," corporate lobbying, backroom dealmaking, disparagements of foreign leaders, and overall revealing a much different America than its public persona. Most of all, it offers more proof of a sham democracy, a lawless imperial state rampaging globally though little, if anything, of a smoking gun nature was disclosed.

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