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Obama Supports Israel's War on Palestine

September 8th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Obama intends lawless aggression on Syria. He does so based on lies. At the same time, he ignores the worst of Israeli crimes.

They occur daily during sham peace talks. In late August, Israeli forces killed three Palestinians. They wounded 18 others. Five children were hurt.

Excessive force is used daily. Nonviolent civilians are targeted. Peaceful protests are ruthlessly suppressed. Israel tolerates no dissent. International law is systematically violated.

During the week ending August 29, Israeli forces averaged seven lawless daily incursions into Palestinian neighborhoods. At least 29 arrests were made. Four children were included.

During the week ending September 4, multiple daily incursions continued. Nearly three dozen nonviolent Palestinians were arrested. They included five children. Peaceful protesters were ruthlessly attacked.

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Question 7 for 9/11 Smarties: What is the significance of the planetary archetypal situation on September 11, 2001?

September 7th, 2013

By Elizabeth Young

911 is without a doubt the most written about, analyzed and discussed conspiracy in the history of mankind. Yes, even the official story, that 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, crashed airplanes into important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States because they “hate our freedoms,” is a conspiracy between Osama Bin Laden (who isn’t even wanted by the FBI [1q]) and the Arab terrorists who the U.S. government claims hijacked planes and crashed them in to important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States.

“Conspiracy” is a REAL word for a REAL act that has existed in human societies in all cultures throughout human history. If conspiracies did not exist, we would not have a word for it. The problem that we face today is that the US Government has arrogated to itself a singular role as a political pontificate that believes that it and its agents in the Justice Department, alone, constitute the only “person” (corporate person) on this Earth who is allowed to use the word “conspiracy” as it employs the charge of “conspiracy” every week in trials to put both guilty and innocent people in jail while deriding and discrediting all others who employ the word as “conspiracy theorists.” (Paris Flammonde) [2q]

There are inside, outside and even outside-inside stories (conspiracy theories) about what really happened on 911.

Test your knowledge of the September 11, 2001 stories and see if you can spot the Terrorist Job (the story), The Inside Job/Global Domination (the story behind the story), The Exotic Weapon story (another story behind the story) or The Metaphysical story (the story behind the story behind the story behind the story!).

Question 7. What is the significance of the planetary archetypal situation on September 11? In the last few weeks of September 2001, the planetary alignment that represents the heaviest—the darkest, most weighty, mortally serious, historically grave—of all archetypal combinations, the Saturn-Pluto alignment, reached exactitude, an opposition. The first two weeks of this month in particular were critical, as the Sun and Full Moon moved into a rare and extraordinarily precise grand cross (two oppositions--Saturn with Pluto, Sun with Moon--both 90 degree square to each other).” Click here to read ”Astrology Notes on World Trade Center attack September 11, 2001” by Richard Tarnas.

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Obama Plans One of History's Great Crimes

September 7th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

US history is ugly. It's disturbing. It's ruthless. It's deplorable. No nation ever matched it. None came close.

Crimes of war, against humanity and genocide define it. Terror bombing is official US policy. Permanent wars cause mass killing and destruction.

One nation after another is ravaged and destroyed. The late Studs Terkel (1912 - 2008) once said America views things through the prism of war.

"(T)wisted (logic) encourages (US officials) to be willing, almost eager, to use military force," he said. Wars aren't just, he stressed. They're "lunatic" acts. They reflect madness. They're horrific by any standard. They're unjustifiable.

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Global Opposition to Attacking Syria

September 7th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

It's growing. Millions oppose more war. They're fed up. They're not silent. They're speaking out. They're making their feelings known. More on that below.

Imagine claiming war on humanity's being waged for peace. Imagine mass slaughter called humanitarian intervention.

Imagine the worst of all possible outcomes. Imagine a brave new world impossible to live in.

Imagine turning it to rubble. Imagine doing so for global dominance. Imagine mass opposition failing to stop Obama. Imagine collapse of enough of international support to give him pause.

Imagine not enough to prevent bombs away. After Obama returns from G20 talks, they could ravage Syria any time. They could do so with or without Security Council and congressional authorization.

Stopping Obama matters most. Drawing a universal red line is essential. Millions against war worldwide need to act. Lawless aggression can't be tolerated. Now's the time to stop it. Later may be too late.

Russia and China forthrightly oppose war. President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy says world leaders must seek a political solution.

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Spurious Anti-Iranian Accusations

September 7th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Longstanding US plans call for regime change. America wants Iranian sovereignty destroyed. It wants pro-Western vassal governance replacing it.

Spurious accusations repeat. They're pretexts for lawless intervention. New ones allege Iran plans attacking US regional interests. Washington claims it's in response to Obama intervening against Syria.

Fabricated communication intercepts were cited. They don't exist. They're baseless. They're fake. It doesn't matter.

Obama may want Iran drawn into his war on Syria. Perhaps he plans attacking both countries. In the fullness of time we'll know.

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Syria, War Criminal Obama, & Perpetual U.S. Wars

September 7th, 2013

By Larry Pinkney

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

“You’re not to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or says it.” –Malcolm X [el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz]

When it comes to the current U.S. president Barack Obama, it is obvious to all discerning persons, that first and foremost, he has proven to be the most destructive tool against the principles, morals, and centuries-long struggle of Black America, for justice, openness, and equality for ALL people in this 21st century. Indeed, he is the very antithesis of what everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people have struggled so hard for in this nation, and throughout Mother Earth. He has shown himself to be the consummate prevaricating, articulate, conjuring bane of humanity. He is the hypocrite of hypocrites – the liar of liars – the stealthy war criminal of war criminals!

Yet, Barack Obama (and his corporate-owned Democrat and Republican minions) remain in political power in the year 2013, due primarily to the misleadership on the part of the collaborators of the so-called ‘progressives’ and U.S. ‘left.’ The absurdity and insanity by the misleadership of the so-called right notwithstanding, it is the strong political cover given to war criminal Barack Obama by the ‘leadership’ of ‘progressives’ and U.S. ‘leftists,’ that have kept the ongoing hypocrisy, atrocities, inverted racism and double standards by Obama and his minions in place. It is they who are the fifth column for the veiled 21st century fascism in this nation presently! It is they, who must first and foremost, be held accountable by everyday ordinary people for crimes against the ‘American’ people and the rest of humanity!

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Damascus Notes: Late night ‘town meetings’ common before the American attack

September 7th, 2013

Where was Professor Richard Falk when I needed him?

Franklin Lamb


This observer judges that the Persians, whose bright, articulate students are well known internationally, and with whom he has been honored to discuss international politics on several occasions, may well have met their intellectual match with the Syrian Arabs. This conclusion is based on what is happening among the public in Damascus, not just in the universities and schools, but during impromptu “marketplace of ideas” sessions increasingly taking place on the streets and in coffee houses and places of public gathering.

Last night was one example. Way past this observer’s bedtime, some friends came to see me and wanted to sit outside “for a few minutes” to discuss the latest speculation from Washington and St. Petersburg. We ended up sitting on concrete slabs that divides Al Bahsa Street where no cars are allowed in front of my hotel for more than three hours! Miss Hiba, a wild and wonderful Palestinian journalist born in Yarmouk camp, interpreted for us. The congregation very quickly grew as a few soldiers, shabiha and national defense force types showed up to see what was going on. Some even joined in the fast moving animated discussions.

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Stop Obama's War on Humanity: A Personal Statement

September 7th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Candidate Obama pledged hope, peace and change. President Obama delivered duplicity, war and betrayal.

It didn't surprise. His Senate voting record warned. It was way right-of-center. It showed where he stands. His tenure as president does writ large.

He's no man of the people. He's soulless, anti-progressive, anti-populist, anti-labor, anti-fairness, anti-dissent, anti-democratic, anti-freedom, anti-civil and human rights, anti-environmental sanity, and anti-government of, by and for everyone equitably.

His rap sheet exceeds the worst of his predecessors. He's hard-right, reactionary, belligerent, pro-business, and pro-war. He's waging it nonstop. He's doing so on humanity. He's done it throughout his tenure. He assures lots more ahead.

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Obama's Planned Lawless Aggression on Syria Based on Lies, Damn Lies and Big Lies

September 7th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Permanent war is official US policy. Throughout his tenure, Obama waged multiple direct and proxy wars.

He's heading for direct intervention against Syria. He's doing it lawlessly. He's doing it based on lies, damn lies and Big Lies.

They launch all wars. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Truth is the ally of peace. It's the enemy of war. It matters most. It's journalism's first casualty.

On September 5, AP headlined "Russia's Putin calls John Kerry a liar on Syria," saying:

He addressed his human rights council. He recalled watching Tuesday's congressional debate. Kerry was asked about Al Qaeda. He denied it was operating in Syria.

"This was very unpleasant and surprising to me," said Putin. "We talk to (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but (Kerry) is lying and he knows he is lying. This is sad."

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Russia on Syria: Alternative to Peace is Bloody Chaos

September 7th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov addressed Obama's intended lawless aggression. He did so forthrightly. He did it because it matters.

Russia strongly opposes Washington's regime change plans. It won't stay silent and watch. Interfax reported Lavrov's comments.

He made them ahead of the September 5 and 6 St. Petersburg G20 summit. They're important.

"Contradictory processes that are unfolding in the world mean that resolute action is needed on our part," Lavrov said.

"We will continue to oppose attempts to legitimize change of regime operations under the flag of responsibility for protection,' and to advocate the solution of problems by politico-diplomatic methods with respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and equality of all nations."

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