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NSA Undermines Encrypted Communications

September 11th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Unconstitutional spying is official US policy. Privacy no longer exists. Even encrypted communications are vulnerable.

On September 5, London's Guardian headlined "Revealed: how US and UK spy agencies defeat internet and privacy security."

They "successfully cracked much of the online encryption relied upon by hundreds of millions of people to protect the privacy of their personal data, online transactions and emails, according to top-secret documents revealed by former contractor Edward Snowden."

They show NSA and Britain's GCHQ compromised what online companies are sworn to protect. Virtually anything spy agencies want they can get. Financial, medical and other private information is gotten.

Snowden revealed "a battery of methods" used to do so. Encrypted information no longer is safe.

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What will make or break the United States of America is the truth about 9/11: Investigate the theories behind the conspiracies

September 11th, 2013

via chycho

What will make or break the United States of America is the truth about 9/11, not its monetary policy, fiscal irresponsibility, lack of transparency, crony capitalistic economy, its inability to protect its citizenry, or even its brutal foreign policy. The truth about what transpired on 11 September 2001 will decide the fate of the United States of America. Everything else is secondary.

I. Truth and Lies of 9/11

On 9/11 the world changed. Not because the attacks on the United States were unique, since there have been many documented cases of false flag operations throughout history. The world changed because we forfeited the freedom of generations to come to obtain a delusional sense of security from an institution, an institution that has begun multiple wars of aggression, incurring trillions of dollars of debt and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths in the process.

This same institution was then allowed to investigate itself for its inability to protect its citizens from an attack that has been the catalyst for a tremendous amount of misery across the globe.

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The CIA Admits 9/11 was a Metaphysical Catechism

September 11th, 2013

By Robert Singer

The PakAlert Press, and other popular 9/11 conspiracy websites controlled by the CIA now admit controlled demolition cannot explain the collapse of the Twin Towers. The PakAlert article posted on September 18, 2010, Pictures Prove Mini Nukes Caused 9-11 Devastation has the following disclaimer[1]:

"We cannot blame the highly unconventional Ground Zero devastation on thermite/thermate/super thermate and “controlled demolition” any more than we can blame it on “jet fuel” or “box cutters.”, Proven 9-11 Nukes = US Government Involvement

The recent articles at PakAlert CONTRADICT their previous position that 9/11 was an Israeli controlled demolition Inside Job (Israeli connection, 9/11, ALL The Proof in the World).

A picture is worth a 1,000 words, therefore I submit 3,000 words in three pictures:

A=Controlled Demolition of a hotel, B=North Tower, C=Hiroshima.

However, before getting on the mini-nuke/Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) bridge-to-nowhere, ask yourself this question:

If PakAlert is suddenly promoting the mini-nuke/Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) story featuring Judy Wood, who was previously marginalized and isolated from the 9/11 Truth Movement and considered a Kook [2], there can only be two explanations:

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Tags: 9_11

Cooking the Intelligence for War on Syria

September 11th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

All wars are based on lies. Truth is the ally of peace. It's the enemy of war. History repeats with disturbing regularity. It's doing so writ large now.

It bears eerie resemblance to events preceding Bush's Iraq war. Pretexts are needed to sell wars. When none exist they're invented.

Lies substitute for truth. So-called intelligence is cooked to fit policy. Ahead of Bush's Iraq war, Colin Powell knew Saddam had no WMDs.

He lied claiming otherwise. He faked evidence to justify the unjustifiable. He claimed "facts and Iraq's behavior show that Saddam Hussein and his regime are concealing their efforts to produce more weapons of mass destruction."

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Testimonies Prove Israel Tortures Palestinian Children

September 11th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

On August 22, B'Tselem headlined "Abuse and torture in interrogations of dozens of Palestinian minors in the Israel Police Etzion Facility."

More on that below. Previous articles discussed torturing, abusing, and otherwise mistreating Palestinian children young as 10. Sometimes younger. In July, Israel arrested and terrorized a five-year old boy.

Family members are threatened not to intervene. They're beaten if they try. Children are violently abused.

They're blindfolded, shackled and beaten. They're threatened with much worse. Sexual threats and abuse are common. So are electro-shocks and much more.

Nothing's too outrageous to employ. Children are interrogated without counsel. They're treated like adults. They face wrongful charges. It doesn't matter.

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New York Times Wants War on Syria

September 11th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Obama's the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents. He exceeds the worst of all his predecessors. He jeopardizes world peace. They risks global war.

New York Times editors and columnists support his lawlessness. They do it shamelessly. They do it unapologetically. They betray their readers in the process.

Rule of law principles are spurned. Advancing America's imperium matters most. So does supporting racketeering war profiteers.

George Seldes called them "merchants of death. (T)he healthfulness of their business depends on slaughter," he said. "The more wars," the greater their profits. They love endless ones best of all.

Con men like Obama manipulate public sentiment for war. Media scoundrels like Times editors and columnists support what demands condemnation.

Don't expect them to explain. They support all US wars. They do so disgracefully. They ignore fundamental rule of law principles. They suppress evidence of unconscionable human slaughter.

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Obama's speech on Syria - analysis

September 10th, 2013

By Michael Collins

President Barack Obama spoke as if his political future was on the line Wednesday evening during his address to the nation on the Syria crisis. He went through the horrors of the Syrian civil war, blamed the Syrian government for the August 21 chemical weapons attack, and provided verifiable (but, as yet, unverified) statements of fact concerning his certainty that the Syrian government initiated the chemical weapons attack. (Full speech)

Before acknowledging the deal that was done to prevent an attack -- the surrender of chemical weapons to Russia by the Bashar al-Assad government -- the president went through his rationale for planning an attack on Syria and his switch to unilateral action to congressional involvement. He then explained how he submitted his proposal to Congress.

As we were wondering if the president had already let missiles fly, he announced the plan for Syria to turn their chemical weapons over to Russia. This move, he argued, was the direct outcome of the threat of military force.

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New York City Grand Jury Hands Down Indictment on 9/11

September 10th, 2013

By Robert Singer

The Charges:

Plaintiff (The People of the United States) --vs-- Defendants (No CR 95-110 The Powers That Be (TPTB, a non-conspiracy acronym), Mike Rivero, a.k.a. John Wenckus). [1]

Violations: 18 USC Sec. 2332a; 18 USC Sec. 844(f); 18 USC Sec. 1114; 18 USC Sec. 1111.

This case centers on a Metaphysical Catechism (Test) of the Earth initiated (with out prior notice as required by Rule #25443) on September 11, 2001 at the electro-magnetic grid location 40° 42' 41.3852", -74° 0' 44.0064 (One World Trade Center). [2]


COUNT ONE: Conspiracy to use incendiary devices to create controlled-diameter holes in metallic targets.

The Grand Jury charges:

  1. On 9/6/2001 The Powers That Be (TPTB), the defendants herein, did knowingly, intentionally, willfully and maliciously conspire, combine and agree together and with others unknown to the Grand Jury to remove bomb-sniffing dogs from the World Trade Center I and II, while the defendants and their unknown agents placed AN-M14 thermite charged incendiary devices between the 92nd to 98th floors in the North Tower and between the 78th to 84th floors in the South Tower.The object of the conspiracy was as follows:
    - Kill and injure innocent people (1,434 in the North Tower; 589 in the South Tower).
    - Damage the property of Silverstein Properties, Inc. (Larry Silverstein suffered a net loss of 4 billion dollars). [3]
    - Generate confusion surrounding the impact holes in the towers to prevent the discovery of the Catechism Test of the Earth (Count 2).

    At 8:46 AM on September 11, 2001, TPTB caused a thermite-charged incendiary device to explode creating an impact hole that extended from the 92nd to the 98th floors of the North Tower.
    At 9:03 AM on September 11, 2001, TPTB caused a thermite-charged incendiary device to explode creating an impact hole that extended from the 78th of the 84th floors at South Tower.

    COUNT TWO: Conspiracy to conduct a Metaphysical Catechism (Test) of the Earth

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Lavrov Calls Kerry's Bluff

September 10th, 2013

by Stephen Lendman

Russian Foreign Sergei Lavrov wants peace. He's going all out against war on Syria. He's doing it responsibly.

Important world leaders back him. So does overwhelming global anti-war sentiment.

On Monday, Lavrov met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem. He did so in Moscow.

"We are calling on the Syrian authorities not only agree on putting chemical weapons storages under international control, but also for its further destruction and then joining the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons," he said.

"We have passed our offer to Muallem and hope to receive a fast and positive answer."

Al-Moallem pledged "full cooperation with Russia to remove any pretext for aggression." Lavrov promised Moscow's support.

He's trying to broker a diplomatic solution. In return, he wants Obama to cancel attack plans.

He cited John Kerry saying Assad "could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week."

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ON AIPAC And Patriotism

September 10th, 2013

By Gilad Atzmon

In the next few days and completely against the will of the American people, hundreds of AIPAC activists will raid the American Congress to push for a war. Nothing new in that but still, one question bothers me: How many of these pro-war Jews have sent their own sons and daughters to serve in the American military?

Bearing in mind that pretty much the same Lobby pushed for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, one might wonder whether Jews were fairly represented in the military forces or in the casualty statistics of that military blunder. I’d guess they were not. It seems that the enthusiasm of the Lobby in pushing for wars for America doesn’t translate much into patriotism or sacrifice. The Lobby indeed pushes for wars, but somehow it’s always the gentiles who do the killing and the dying.

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