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The Most Powerful Person in a Child Custody Case Isn't the Judge

July 6th, 2014

by MCMoewe

Courts in the U.S. have sentenced thousands of children to live with a parent who abused them. The family court judges who reach this decision — and restrict or end the relationship of the parent who reported concerns of abuse — usually do so based on the opinion of a court-appointed expert.

A quick look at how the family courts' multimillion-dollar expert industry operates reveals a system that is built to invite corruption.

The experts are paid thousands of dollars by one or both parents, facts on how their opinions were formed are forbidden to be reviewed by the public and state laws help shield these decision makers from potential lawsuits.

Judges appoint court experts, such as custody evaluators or guardians ad litem, to investigate and make recommendations about what is in the best interest of the child.

"The court follows the recommendations in the evaluation in over 90 percent of custody cases," according to

As an investigative reporter, I have been collecting cases for years where an expert has determined that the alleged abuse of a child is not happening and, instead, the child or parent who fears abuse is the danger. The child is placed in the sole custody of the accused abuser, the protective parent is put on supervised visitation — or forbidden from seeing the child at all — and restrictions are placed barring other child welfare professionals from even talking to the child.

Custody cases are rarely written about in the media, but the Naples News wrote a story in 2011 about a family court judge who followed the advice of two court experts, giving a father who was then facing child abuse charges sole custody and restricting the mother, who feared for the child's safety, to supervised visitation.

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Positive Thoughts on Dark Times

July 6th, 2014

James Petras


There is no question that over the past decade and a half, Europe, the US and Israel have engaged in a series of bloody wars, inequalities have increased throughout the globe, economic crisis has become endemic and, more recently, right-wing military and civilian regimes have swept to power throughout Asia, North Africa, Europe and Canada.

Yet, despite this generally gloomy picture, important positive developments have emerged raising the possibility of fundamental changes to reverse the current reactionary wave. I will proceed by outlining these positive developments, taking account of the retrograde context in which they occur.

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Trying to Feel Patriotic on the Fourth of July

July 6th, 2014

By Gary G. Kohls, MD

Since the assassinations of Jack Kennedy and Martin Luther King (and the Vietnam War that had much to do with both), it has been hard for historically-literate and open-minded Americans to generate much patriotic fervor on the Fourth of July. But they should have been skeptical long before those idealism-shattering events. My own seriously deficient high school education in world and American history has necessitated decades of catch-up reading and research in order to find the truth about the dark underbelly of America.

My high school textbooks totally ignored the real histories of the conquistadores, the genocide of Native Americans and their cultures, and the truth about the actual brutality of the enslavement of Black Africans. My history books glorified America’s wars, and never mentioned America’s use of propaganda or how it was involved in fascist movements world-wide. The cold realities of sexism, militarism, poverty, corporate abuse, the banking system, etc. were glossed over. Sadly, my relative ignorance about the (obviously censored out of our consciousness) painful and unwelcome truths about what really happened in history is probably the norm.

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The Milibands,The Mossad and Deception in General

July 6th, 2014

Alimuddin Usmani Interviews Gilad Atzmon

Alimuddin Usmani: In a recent text you called the British labor opposition leader, Ed Miliband, a shameless Zionist. Ed’s father, Ralph Miliband, was a Marxist and a member of Hashomer Hatzair. Is there a contradiction between being both a Marxist and a Zionist?

Gilad Atzmon: This raises a few questions that deserve close attention. First, can someone be a Marxist and a Zionist simultaneously? Theoretically, NO; practically, YES.

On the theoretical level, there is a blatant contradiction between Marxism and Zionism. Marxism is universal and cosmopolitan, Zionism is tribal and nationalist. Can anyone be a cosmopolitan and a nationalist or universal and tribal? Ordinary people probably can’t, but the Jew can - Ralph Miliband clearly got away with it and he wasn’t the only one.

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Protecting Abused Children from the Court System

July 5th, 2014

by MCMoewe

U.S. judges routinely force abused children to live with their abusers.

But after nearly a decade of trying, I have given up on the mainstream media doing any significant investigations into this ongoing human rights atrocity. My name is M.C. Moewe. I have worked at several newspapers but my last full-time job was in 2008 as the investigative reporter for the Daytona Beach News-Journal.

My first day on the job, an editor handed me a stack of files asking me to look into a family court custody case. I was surprised, because as anyone who has worked in a newsroom can tell you, there are frequent calls from distraught parents alleging that the other parent is doing something horrible to their child and no one will help.

When that happens, a young reporter listens intently to the caller and then rushes over to their editor, who promptly explains to the newbie that this is a he-said/she-said case simply too difficult to write about. A seasoned reporter listens for as long as they have to, then hangs up without even bothering to tell their editor.

But I had been assigned such a case.

My first job after college was as a crime reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Back then, I had noted that violence inside a family home was hard to write about. I led a team of reporters who investigated how domestic violence was handled by authorities in Fort Worth.

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The Obama Youth Movement & the Seizing of American Children

July 5th, 2014

By Dave Hodges

hitler youthThere is presently a massive conspiracy designed to separate you from your children and give the government complete control over your children. To put it simply, Health and Human Services (HHS)  and their state level emissary, Child Protective Services (CPS) are engaged in a conspiracy which will culminate in (1) the Agenda 21 designed breakdown of the family; (2) the eradication of any semblance of parental authority over children; and, (3) unbridled and unfettered access to seizing children from the home in unlimitedquantities for whatever nefarious purposes which might dictate the volume of child seizures.

The Plot Is International, Begins with the UN

This program emanates from a partnership between various United Nations organizations and ICF, acting on behalf of HHS, CPS and Obamacare (i.e. The Affordable Health CareAct). The evidence in this article, along with the included links, will demonstrate that when Obamacare is fully operational, our families, specifically our children will be living in a Hitler Youth Movement hellish nightmare in which the state owns and can seize your children.

After reviewing HHS, CPS and UN documents, what is being presently reported in the alternative media is merely the tip of the iceberg with regard to HHS' intentions toward the ultimate outcome of the children in this country. After reviewing the documents, there is no doubt that Obama is representing international interests which will seek to remove as many children as possible from the homes of their parents in the spirit of the Hitler Youth Movement. 

But first let me quickly review the recent revelations of the HHS/CPS/Obamacare intention to conduct what I have dubbed as "home invasion interventions."

Obamacare Home Invasions and Interventions

According to a previously unreported Obamacare regulation, that has managed to escape "scrutiny" from the mainstream media, millions of American families will be targeted for home invasion by the forces of the Federal government in the name of preventing parental neglect resulting in disabilities in their children. And the Fourth Amendment be damned, as of January 1, 2014, Federal officials may enter your home without a warrant in order to "intervene" for the purpose of saving "high risk" children. 

Obamacare's Definition of High Risk

The exposure of the extreme and intrusive nature of Obamacare through home invasion visits is finally seeing the light of day in the alternative media. However, this exposure is grossly understated. As a starting point, I will briefly review what is making the rounds in the alternative media. According to HHS, your family is eligible for this Hitler style for "intervention" in the following situations:

1. Families where mom is not yet 21.

2. Families where someone is a tobacco user.

3. Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities.

4. Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States. 

5. Although this is not being widely reported, homeschoolers and their families will be targeted for "interventions" as will be families who object to having their children take vaccines.  

There is no question that all of the above categories, will warrant a home invasion followed by "remediation."  The visits will not be conducted by HHS officials as has been reported in several publications. The home invasion visits will be conducted by CPS on behalf of HHS.

HHS has designed a detailed 110 page policy manual which focuses on the criteria constituting child neglect. This policy manual which is the guide created by HHS for CPS' home intervention visits makes the above criteria, presently being reported in thealternative media, look tame by comparison.

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July 5th, 2014

Allen L Roland

The last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism and this Independence Day 2014 as we celebrate our independence with parades, picnics and fireworks ~ let us not forget the clowns and scoundrels who cloak themselves in patriotism and represent the worst of America. There is no more despised clown or scoundrel who still represents the worst of American values, yet continues to cloak himself in patriotism, than Darth Vader himself, Dick Cheney ~ the behind the scenes architect of the 9/11 attacks and cover up, the promoter of the illegal war with Iraq for Oil resources, the instigator of illegal rendition, Guantanamo as well as the torture memos and whose self-described travels on the dark side have left America's crumbling Empire morally barren and spiritually lost.

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We Must Immediately Kill That Which Is Harming Our Children

July 4th, 2014

This parent was arrested after trying to voice his opinions in opposition to the educational standards put forth by his child's school.

This parent was arrested after trying to voice his opinions in opposition to the educational standards put forth by his child’s school.

The title implies that I am advocating for unbridled violence against some perceived threat against our children. The reader may rest easy, I am only advocating violence against an idea, a concept, but the manifestation of something that is universally dangerous to our children. That something, goes by the name of Common Core. America needs to have a collective bonfire in which we engage in the only book burning exercise that I would approve of, the destruction of all the manifestations of Common Core and return to the educating of our children to state and local school boards.

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Press Tv: On Israel's Genocidal Nature

July 4th, 2014

Press TV interview with Gilad Atzmon,

A political commentator, from London, interview with Gilad Atzmon about the violent reaction by the Israeli PM and Israeli settlers to the confirmed deaths of three missing Israeli settlers.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: What is your reaction on how things have unfolded now after three weeks where we have the three settlers found dead and you have now a reaction coming – still not proven - but many deducting that extreme settlers were responsible for this?

An Israeli police spokesman has said that the main direction right now that Israeli police is looking at is whether the incident was criminal or nationalistic.

Atzmon: Yes, I can imagine that this is what the Israelis would do when a Palestinian is murdered by Israelis, either military forces or just settlers.

They always try to find an outer motive that diverts attention from the murderous and genocidal and plunderous nature of the Jewish state.

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Special Report on CPS Sponsored Child Abductions: CPS Insiders Blow the Whistle

July 3rd, 2014

By Dave Hodges

I am presently in touch with two former CPS agents, one senior analyst for a war college and two mainstream publications who are investigating many of the same allegations that I am going to bring forth in the next two articles. [1] For now, I am not publishing names,however, this may soon change and names and exact positions may indeed be identified.

Disturbing Reports from CPS Insiders

I was recently contacted by a pair of former CPS agents who became thoroughly disgusted with the present state of affairs. Initially, I was told that "Dave, you are spot on with your assessment regarding the nature and intent of CPS's planned enforcement of the concern's delineated in the manual entitled, "Child Neglect: A Guide for Prevention Assessment, and Intervention".

One of the CPS agents proceeded to use the term "concerns" because this manual merely provides a very subjective coverage of the "definition" of neglect/abuse/children and its subsequent impact. The issues detailed in this "user manual" will be enforced using Obamacare as a legal means to carry out what amounts to tyranny. This is exactly what I recently reported on my website.

The Prime Directive of CPS Is To Steal Children

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