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July 10th, 2014

Family Courts Behind an Epidemic of Pedophilia & Judicial Abuse

keith harmon snow

First publication: 01 May 2012
Edits & Revision: 03 May 2012
Edits & Revision: 17 May 2012

( * The article's original title "SCREW THE BITCH" -- based on a book designed to destroy protective mothers -- was unacceptably offensive to the author. Revision on May 17 was to clarify 'Father's Manifesto' vs. 'Father's Rights'.)

A five month investigation reveals an epidemic of violence and corruption facilitated by Family Courts in the United States. Children all over the United States are being taken from their protective mothers and delivered to abusers. Behind this epidemic of judicial abuse are organized networks involved in racketeering and corruption, channeling and disappearing billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers money every year. Insurance companies are being defrauded by medical and mental health professionals rewarded handsomely for producing quack studies that criminalize loving mothers and protect abusive fathers. With clear evidence of racketeering and corruption, high court judges and insider lawyers use and abuse the Family Courts system to destroy protective mothers and deliver life sentences of suffering to innocent children. Rich, poor, middle-class... No child in America is safe.

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9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators?

July 10th, 2014

Posted on May 29, 2014 by State of the Nation 2014
Russian 9/11 Data Dump Reveals State Actors

“9/11 was an Anglo-American black operation executed in collusion with Israeli Secret Services.” — 9/11 Investigator

Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history.

Whereas the assassination of John F. Kennedy is now understood to have been a classic CIA Execution Plan, it does not come close to 9/11 in terms of the number and magnitude of outright falsehoods, misleading statements, fake science and fraudulent facts submitted by officials and agents of the US Government. The ‘official’ 9/11 Commission Report stands as the most fabricated document ever produced by US tax dollars. Not only did the investigation avoid every serious inquiry about how two steel frame building came down after being dustified in NYC, it also subverted every initiative to ferret out the truth.

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Fukushima has 9 days to prevent ‘unsafe’ overheating

July 10th, 2014

Facility to pump up underground water at the Tokyo Electric Power CO (TEPCO) Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant at Okuma town in Fukushima prefecture (AFP Photo / Japan Pool via Jiji Press Japan out)

Fukushima operator TEPCO has been forced to switch off the cooling system at mothballed Reactor Unit 5, after it was discovered that it had been leaking water. In nine days, if the system is not repaired, temperatures will exceed dangerous levels.

Engineers have discovered that 1,300 liters of water leaked from a cooling system intended to stabilize the temperature of the spent fuel at the Reactor Unit 5, which was offline but loaded with fuel rods when the plant was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

The source of the leak was a 3 mm-diameter hole near a flow valve, a statement published by the Japanese energy giant on Sunday asserts. However it is unclear from company data if the location of the opening has been discovered, or whether it was calculated with flow measurements.

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What is "Federal" about Federal Express?

July 9th, 2014

By Katherine Smith, PhD

Why is there a Federal in Federal Express?

Fred, in an interview with Atlanta Bureau Chief Dean Foust, explains:

“For our network, I used as a model the economic activity of the Federal Reserve banking system, because it was in those days a perfect model of the economic activity in the U.S. And that's where the [Federal Express] name came from. It just stuck in my mind. I wanted something that sounded substantial and nationwide, and American Express had already been taken [laughs].”

Well, I guess that’s possible [laughs out loud].

Federal Express, now the FedEx Corporation, has been one of the great entrepreneurial success stories of the past quarter-century — the story of how Smith built FedEx into a $27 billion delivery juggernaut has become a part of Corporate Americana.

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1976 Playmate Of The Year Cures OCWD

July 9th, 2014

By Robert Singer

I attended the April, 2010 Green Film Festival Banquet and sat next to Lillian Muller:

Actress, Author, Supermodel, Inspirational Speaker for us “Plant-Based Diet Sapiens”, Playmate and Hugh Hefner’s old girlfriend. (

She looks really, really good for a woman of 58 and she may again be featured in the centerfold of an upcoming issue of Playboy.

Lillian helped me get over my Obsessive Compulsive Writing Disorder (OCWD) when she told a harrowing story of how her bank account and email account were hacked and a lot of her emails and money was stolen.

At first, it made me want to run home, change passwords, forward and print my “important” emails and then something in “Something Is Wrong With This Picture: Ominous For Sure! (Update)” hit me over the head:

After Eighteen months of beating around the burning bush, I wrote An Ominous Drilling Sign for the Truth that pulled out all the stops and told the complete metaphysical struggle of the Illuminati and Mother-Earth.

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Clinton and Kerry Call On Snowden To Submit To Sham Security State Trial Snowden Should Refuse to Play “Alice in Wonderland”

July 9th, 2014

By Kevin Zeese

Edward Snowden submitting to prosecution in the United States, would be like Alice going into the courtroom in Wonderland.

Alice stood before the King and Queen of Hearts who served as the judges. Knaves were chained on the ground before them. The jurors, Alice realizes are ‘stupid things’ The first witness against her was the Mad Hatter who is as mad as the culture he represents. The guinea pigs who protest are immediately “suppressed” by having the mouths tied up and being put into a bag and sat on by the King so their protests cannot be heard. The most important evidence in the trial was secret, a poem for which the author is unknown and concludes:

    "For this must
    ever be a secret,
    Kept from all the rest,
    Between yourself and me."

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World War 1: WhatReallyHappened

July 8th, 2014

By Katherine Smith, PhD

Last week marked the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One.

The War that was suppose to end all Wars began in July 1914 with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. And while it is true that  the war "triggered an interconnecting network of alliances to spark mobilization, bringing in the empires of Europe. England, France and Russia lined up against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire," what is not true is that the assassination was the reason about 16.5 million people were killed in the war.

Russian Dolls

WW I, the war to end all wars, never made any sense. The official story of WW II: a fanatical dictator trying to take over the world with money from George H.W. Bush’s father, at least sounded plausible… until you realize that:

Adolph Hitler was, a gay prostitute and a street cleaner, who made every mistake possible in his failed attempt to take over the world. Hitler came on the scene with the Beer Hall Putsch (a march on Berlin), the first in a series of curious blunders.

“When the Munich police fire into the ground, the brave soldier from WW I throws himself to the ground dislocating his shoulder and runs away. After hiding in a friend's house for several days the future Führer is arrested and his 5-week trial turns Adolf Hitler into a national hero where he wrote, later corrected to “dictated,” the best seller Mein Kamp. His struggle was most likely ghost-written by a Jesuit priest.” Inside The Gestapo by Hansjurgen Koehler

Other problems with the official WW II story:

  • The Munich Agreement

From the World Book Encyclopedia:

“On September 29, 1938, an agreement was signed between Hitler and Great Britain’s Neville Chamberlain calling for a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles that would have avoided World War II. Hitler said the Sudetland was “the last territorial claim I have to make in Europe.” But German troops invade Poland on Sept 1, 1939, starting World War II. The Munich Agreement was one of the worst of the tragic blunders that led up to the war.”

Blunder? Unlikely

World Book scholars neglected to read the November 14, 1938 front page of the Völkischer Beobachter, reporting the death of Vom Rath.

“Reichskristallnacht, Crystal night: cause and effect.”

The Munich agreement was not signed because a Polish Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, walked into the German Embassy in France one week earlier and assassinated, according to most historical accounts, a “top German” diplomat as revenge for the expulsion of Herschel’s parents from Germany to Poland.

Joseph Goebbels suspected a Jewish conspiracy and planned a trial hoping to demonstrate Grynszpan’s link with the Zionists to plunge Europe into a war. The trial was scrapped when Grynszpan fabricates a story about a homosexual liaison between the junior diplomat and himself.

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Shocking Medical Notice: We Need to Have a "Short 5 Minute PRIVATE Conversation With Your Child"

July 8th, 2014

By Mike Slavo

private conversation

Do the government and its ancillaries have ownership over your child?

Do they have the power to detain and question a child without parental permission?

Apparently they think they do according to a new Michigan medical records access law which reportedly requires doctors to have a private conversation with minors when their parents bring them in for medical care.

This is the notice Christy Duffy saw posted at her physician's office when she brought her 17-year old daughter in for a minor foot injury.

When Mrs. Duffy returned home she penned the following public service announcement warning to parents about what to expect the next time they visit their doctor:

Let's get one thing straight: no doctor or nurse is going to sequester my children in an exam room and talk to them privately. Period. This public service announcement made necessary because of this sign, posted at the check-in counter of my doctor's office.

I was there last week for an appointment for Amy. She hurt her foot, which makes dancing difficult, so we had to get that checked out. Amy is 17; I asked if this policy was in effect and if so, how could I opt out. The receptionist told me it's a new law and there is no opting out. Working to keep my cool, I said, "I'm sure there is." She said, "No, there isn't." At which point I asked if I needed to leave and go to the urgent care center because I was not submitting my daughter to such a conversation.

That did not go over well

The receptionist closed the window. Almost immediately, the office manager turned the corner and said, "Mrs. Duffy, may I speak with you?"

She said there was a new policy that would allow a child to access his/her medical records online and the child would be allowed to block a parent from viewing the website. The nurse would also inform my children that the doctor's office is a safe place for them to receive information about STDs, HIV and birth control. That is what the nurse would be chatting about with my children without any pesky parental oversight.

I kindly informed her that no one would be talking with my children privately, and I needed to know how to opt out of this policy before bringing Amy back for her physical next month. (Yay for physicals! Amy is so excited.)

By this time, the doctor was ready to see Amy so I had to cut the conversation short because I was not letting my girl out of my eyesight or earshot. Not when it was clear that these people were angling to undermine my parental authority.

Does that sound a bit dramatic to you? It shouldn't. Because that is exactly what they are trying to do.

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Truth Crushed to Earth: Why Ukraine, as part of a global struggle, won't be solved by Kiev's ethnic cleansing

July 8th, 2014

by Daniel Patrick Welch

As has become a staple in the schizophrenia on my newsfeed, two posts come up in diametric opposition. Surprise, surprise in the Bizarro World of the western media echo chamber being confronted in any way by forces outside the Bubble. One is a Times fluff piece claiming the Ukie army has "found its footing" against the rebels, a creepy fascist-fellating homily about how brainwashing kids into killing their brothers and sisters is somehow a good thing. The other is from a Russian language post on, explaining that the Kiev junta is finally forced to admit publicly to mass desertions from its army.

In any rational view, the NYT perspective should be seen as the hollow, meaningless, triumphalist and bombastic bullshit one has come to expect from the Paper of Record. The Gray Lady is the most effete and 'philosophical' (read: full of shit) of the Big Three. And let's recap the breakdown of these loudmouth Dogs of Empire: WaPo is for those who think they run the world; WSJ is for those who actually *do* run the world; and NYT is for those who think they *should* run the world.

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Virginia Congressman Admits to the Existence of Child Trafficking in Fairfax County Virginia

July 7th, 2014

By Dave Hodges

Frank-WolfAs readers know, I have covered the child abduction case of Monika Wesolowski, a State Department employee, with a security clearance, who has had her child stolen from her by the CPS/DFS of Virginia without so much of a charge or conviction for parental wrongdoing. And now, because she has had the audacity to tell her story to the media, the Virginian Department of Family Services has branded her as unstable and accusedMonika of placing her son in danger by going to the media. They are preparing to totally strip Monika of any visitations with her son. Her son presently resides in foster care with “two fathers” in which Wesolowski is claiming sexual abuse is occurring as evidenced by rash on the rectum, a return to diapers and the boy is repetitively moving his arms in sexual gestures asking for people to “cut his arms off”. All of this information has been presented to the Virginia CPS/DFS, the local police and the Fairfax County Attorneys office and NOTHING is being done to protect the child. Why? Because the boy represents too muchmoney for the system.

I have two former Virginia CPS workers who tell me that it is the goal of the Virginia CPS to remove as many kids as possible and that evidence is fabricated and papers are forged to this end. One of these sources is going public sometime in July.

Prior investigators such as the late Nancy Schaefer claim that children simply go missing from the care of the various CPS’ and these children end up in child sex trafficking rings such as the ones identified by Nick Bryant, the author of the Franklin Scandal.

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