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Steve Forbes Put Me on His Spam List After I Submitted This Article to Him: How Congressional Republicans Lie to Approve Obama’s Trade Deals

May 23rd, 2015

Eric Zuesse

Obama’s trade-deals — especially TPP with Asia, and TTIP with Europe — are so vicious against the American people, the Obama Administration has labeled the documents “Classified,” and is threatening prosecution against any member of Congress who quotes from the texts; it would be “leaking classified information.”

However, empirical economic studies already indicate what would likely be the result from both the TPP and the TTIP: one independent economic analysis has been done for each of these two international-trade deals, and both of them come up with the same conclusion: the publics everywhere will lose wealth because of them, but aristocrats, especially in the United States, will gain wealth because of them. (It’s like what happened with NAFTA, but only far more so.) In other words: the same billionaires who fund congressional and presidential campaigns are the people who will be taking from the general public vastly more money via TPP and TTIP than the paltry billions they’ve invested to fool voters into voting into office the Senators and Representatives who are now rubber-stamping into law Obama’s ‘trade’ deals. (And, of course, the same aristocrats also funded both Obama’s and Romney’s campaigns, just as they did those of both Clintons and of the Bushes. At the national level, they essentially own, not the government, but instead the people who are governing. The people they own, are the ones that are supposed to “represent” us; and the U.S. Supreme Court has said that this is ‘democracy’ in accord with ‘the Constitution’ — because the people who appointed those Republican ‘Justices’ were also owned by the aristocracy.)

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OPINION: Is Israel America’s Friend? Or America's Enemy?

May 22nd, 2015

Eric Zuesse

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has selected as his Minister of Justice a woman who has expressed hatred against all Palestinians, and he has appointed as his negotiator with the Palestians a man who said, and who has always followed though with, “We are all against a Palestinian state, there is no question about it.”

These policies are direct rejections of the U.S.-overseen 1978 Camp David Accords, and of consistent U.S. policy since. The Camp David Accords were so bad for the Palestinians that the signatory on their behalf, Egypt’s leader Anwar Sadat, was despised by virtually all Muslims and was assassinated for having done this. But Egypt abided by the Accords, while Israel for decades since has been constantly hemming and hawing about when they will some day fulfill their obligations under them; and, now, we finally have been given the answer: It’s never. They signed an agreement that was so bad for Palestinians it was rejected by them and by the U.N., but now it’s finally clear: to Israel, it’s not bad enough to Palestinians. So: Israel insists upon continued (and now upon never-ending) military occupation.

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On Being Sane In Insane Places: “If sanity and insanity exist, how shall we know them?”

May 22nd, 2015

By Gary G. Kohls, MD

In 1973, D. L. Rosenhan published a ground-breaking psychiatric study in January 19 issue of Science magazine. The article exposed a serious short-coming in the psychiatric hospitals at the time, and therefore it became very controversial. Dr. Rosenhan, a professor of psychology and law at Stanford University, designed the study to try to answer the title question: “If sanity and insanity exist, how shall we know them?”

The now famous (some offended or embarrassed psychiatrists preferred to call it “infamous”) experiment that was carried out involved 12 different psychiatric hospitals and 8 different people, mostly professionals (including the author). Each of the eight were totally and certifiably sane “pseudo-patients”.

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Washington Wants War on Donbass

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

John Kerry and Victoria Nuland are warriors, not peacemakers - neocons masquerading as diplomats.

They deplore peace. They live by the sword. They foster violence and instability worldwide.

Last week, Nuland was in Kiev meeting with its illegitimate officials - discussing revved up war on Donbas when Obama OKs it.

On Monday, she was in Moscow meeting with Russian officials. Discussion focused on Ukraine.

Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said "(w)e have the Russian president's orders to establish bilateral contacts…to discuss certain issues of the Ukrainian crisis resolution."

"That's exactly what we are doing" with no illusions about Washington turning a new lead. Karasin said Moscow's goal is to prevent escalated conflict in Donbass and establish "real dialogue between Kiev and the Donetsk and Lugansk republics."

"So far, this goal has not been achieved. Kiev is ignoring all the initiatives coming from Donetsk and Lugansk."

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UK Whistleblower Says Britain's Nuclear Deterrent a Disaster Waiting to Happen

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Britain's media are all over the story. Royal Navy whistleblower William McNeilly published an 18-page report called "The Secret Nuclear Threat."

He's an engineering technician weapons engineer submariner for Britain's Trident II D5 strategic weapons system aboard the HMS Victorious. He faces imprisonment for violating Britain's Official Secrets Act.

"The worst fear for me isn't prison or being assassinated," he said. "(I)t's the fear of sacrificing everything I have just to warn the public and yet never be heard."

"We are so close to a nuclear disaster it is shocking," he maintains. "(A)nd yet everybody is accepting the risk to the public."

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The New York Times Endorses Israeli Mass Slaughtering Palestinians by Refusing to Condemn it

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

The Times supports Israel's worst crimes - wrongfully blaming them on victims. It outrageously calls Hamas a terrorist organization.

It's Palestine's legitimate government - democratically elected in January 2006. Claiming it wants Israel destroyed is false.

It long ago expressed willingness to sacrifice 78% of historic Palestine in return for remaining land within June 1967 borders - with East Jerusalem its exclusive capital.

It justifiably wants control over its borders, air space, offshore waters and resources. It wants diaspora Palestinians able to return.

It wants peace, stability, mutual cooperation with all nations and fundamental international law enforced.

The Times fails to hold Israel accountable for horrific high crimes against peace. It considers its naked aggression self-defense.

Institutionalized racism worse than apartheid South Africa's doesn't matter. Nor other forms of vicious police state persecution.

A previous article discussed Israel's new coalition government. It combines hate-mongering racists, neocon fascists and religious fundamentalist zealots. MK Ayelet Shaked is new justice minister. Palestinians are assured none with her in charge - more racist persecution than already.

During Israel's summer 2014 cold, calculated, premeditated aggression on Gaza, she openly called for genocidal slaughter.

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Sham Riyadh Peace Conference on Yemen

May 22nd, 2015

Stephen Lendman

Imagine a peace and reconciliation conference with one side alone involved. Hundreds of regional rogue state anti-Yemeni freedom representatives participated in a thinly veiled PR stunt.

Houthis wanting Yemeni sovereignty respected refused to come. The conference has nothing to do with peace and stability - everything to do with continuing US-orchestrated naked aggression and lawless blockade trying to force rebels to surrender unconditionally.

Proceedings began on Sunday in Riyadh. Three days of talks are planned. UN envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed began things "call(ing) on all parties to refrain from any action that disturbs the peace of airports, main areas and the infrastructure of transport" - prime US/Riyadh targets.

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Obama Vows More Middle East Wars

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

Candidate Obama promised hope, peace and change. President Obama delivered duplicity, betrayal and endless wars of aggression against nations posing no threat to America or its neighbors.

He represents rogue leadership writ large. His rap sheet exceeds the worst of his predecessors - lawless, anti-progressive, one-sidedly pro-business and pro-war on humanity.

He deplores peace and stability. He goes all-out to prevent their emergence. He's destroying fundamental freedoms in plain sight.

Core international, constitutional and US statute laws don't matter. Police state justice replaced them.

America's phony war on terror threatens world peace. War on Islam rages.

On Friday, Obama met with delegations from six despotic Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - partners in crime with America.

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Congressional Anti-Consumer DARK Act Legislation

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

On March 25, House Rep. Mike Pompeo (R. KS) introduced HR 1599: Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015.

It seeks "(t)o amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to food produced from, containing, or consisting of a bioengineered organism, the labeling of natural foods, and for other purposes."

Critics call the measure the Denying Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act. It blocks state and local efforts to require GMO labeling.

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Despotic Saudi Regime Lobbies to Chair Human Rights Council

May 22nd, 2015

by Stephen Lendman

It's one of the world's most repressive states - a blight on humanity, a cancer in a part of the world known for despotic regimes.

Its human rights record is horrific by any standard. Fundamental rights don't exist.

State terror is official policy. Democracy is strictly prohibited. Torture and physical abuse are commonplace. So are public whippings, beheadings and hangings.

Due process and judicial fairness don't exist. Thousands of political prisoners languish in its gulag under deplorable conditions. Abuse of power is extreme. So is massive corruption and lack of transparency. Inequality is institutionalized. Independent media don't exist. Nor do labor rights.

Islam is the state religion. No other is tolerated. All Saudis are required by law to be Muslims. Failure to comply is considered apostasy - a capital offense.

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