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Seeing and Resisting the Agents of Chaos

May 3rd, 2023
Seeing and Resisting the Agents of Chaos

Rob Slane

“The basic problem of the Christians in this country in the last eighty years or so, in regard to society and in regard to government, is that they have seen things in bits and pieces instead of totals.” ~ F. A. Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto

I’m quite sure that were he alive today, Francis Schaeffer would have seen through the fog of nonsense dished out to us every day by Globalist Pravda (aka the mainstream media), and would see that something extremely evil is being carried out in plain sight. I’m equally sure that he would have been even more grieved with the inability of his fellow Christians to join the dots than he was back in his day.

Let me start with an assertion, and then proceed to show how I think this is panning out. A relatively small group of people — let’s call them the Globalist Cabal — are currently engaged in an agenda to transition all of humanity from an old paradigm to a new paradigm. Although they have been working on this for decades, their plans burst out into the open two years ago with the announcement of an apparently novel virus (which was in fact a coronavirus manipulated in US-funded laboratories to include a synthetic Spike Protein), followed by an almost lockstep response of Governments across the world with measures that had never been tried or tested before, and which were self-evidently wicked and harmful.

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Transforming Ukraine Into a Barren Wasteland

May 2nd, 2023
Transforming Ukraine Into a Barren Wasteland

Stephen Lendman

Ukraine is a made-in-the-USA, Nazi-infested, fascist dictatorship. Its US-installed coup d'état regime is a festering sore in Europe’s heartland. Governance of, by and for everyone equitably, according to the rule of law, is banned. So is everything Russian.

No longer a nation-state, the length and breadth of its territory is unsafe and unfit to live in. It’s been this way since the Obama/Biden regime’s 2014 coup. Since Russia’s liberating SMO began last February, it’s been just a matter of time before its scourge is eliminated.

According to Russia’s UN envoy, Vassily Nebenzia at the Security Council on Wednesday: 💬 One of the SMO’s goals “is to undermine the (regime’s) combat capabilities.” It’ll continue until the US-installed regime capitulates.

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On War and Wars

May 1st, 2023
On War and Wars

James Howard Kunstler

“When we see the few truth-tellers who are the stars of their organizations jettisoned – Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas… we must face the fact that there is an organized conspiracy to suppress truth.” — P.C. Roberts

The weird part the news media isn’t telling you about World War Three is that America’s main enemy in this struggle is… the US Government itself! America is looking like that crazy person on the street, punching himself in the head. How else do you explain this epic act of national self-destruction?

The “Joe Biden” regime is “standing up for our democracy” by trying to silence all and any public speech about what it does in the world and how it treats its own citizens. Meanwhile, the entire scaffold of American life crumbles and you are supposed to not notice it’s happening. The funny part is that the Democratic Party thinks this is an election strategy. The funniest part of the funny part is that we bother holding elections at all.

You understand, “Joe Biden” is only pretending to run for president again, in the same way that he’s only pretended to be president the past two years. Are we to believe, for instance, that the old zombie has become a fervent Maoist? Or that he follows any known structured political philosophy at all, other than cashing checks from favor-seekers from all over the world? “ Joe Biden” is pretending to run — no matter how preposterous it seems — because his handlers know that only a titanic pretense of political strength can stave off the reveal of his family’s awesome criminality and the fall of everyone hitched to that broke-down wagon. So much for the funny stuff. Things are getting to the point where we stop laughing.

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Political Zionism: History of Embracing Anti Semites

April 29th, 2023
Political Zionism: History of Embracing Anti Semites

Jamal K. Kanj

[Image: The 21st World Zionist Congress in Geneva, Switzer-land, 1939; © Matanya /Wikipedia.]

(April 7, 2023) Have you ever wondered why Zionist organizations malign people such as renowned musician and Pink Floyd’s cofounder Roger Waters, and former UK Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, both with a history of fighting injustice?

Or why Zionist organizations malign Kenneth Roth, a Jew who ran Human Rights Watch for 29 years because they criticize Israel, while exalting someone like Donald Trump, who normalizes white supremacists and gives political legitimacy to Jewish haters? If this seems counterintuitive, understanding the hidden history of political Zionism will demystify some aspects of this parochial movement.

Political Zionism is the epitome of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). WZO was founded in 1897 by an Austro-Hungarian Jewish lawyer, Theodor Herzl, to combat anti-Jewish hate in Europe. Herzl, a professed atheist, envisioned in his 1896 book, Der Judenstaat (The State of the Jews) for European Jews to live in their own state. Under Herzl’s leadership, WZO contemplated several places, including Palestine, for the potential Jewish state, but none of which was in continental Europe.

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Big Lies and Bigger Lies

April 27th, 2023
Big Lies and Bigger Lies

James Howard Kunstler

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” — Joseph Goebbels

“If you’re going to lie,” Joseph Goebbels used to say (in German of course), “make it a whopper.” How did that work out for the Third Reich? Today, The New York Times says “Joe Biden” is revving up to run for president again in 2024. Is that so? One DNC strategist, Maria Cardona, was quoted saying, “Democrats complain that he might be too old. But then, when they’re asked, ‘Well, who?’ There is no one else.” There you have the sucking chest wound at the center of the Democratic Party, a malodorous vacuum where, as they like to say, democracy dies in darkness. You understand, this is exactly what you get when all you do is tell lies, always and everywhere, about everything.

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Leading U.S. War Propagandist John Kirby Thinks Depleted Uranium Is Just Fine

April 26th, 2023
Leading U.S. War Propagandist John Kirby Thinks Depleted Uranium Is Just Fine

David Swanson

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said this week, when asked about UK shipments of Depleted Uranium weapons to Ukraine: “If Russia is deeply concerned about the welfare of their tanks and tank soldiers, the safest thing for them to do is move them across the border, get them out of Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesperson Garron Garn said Depleted Uranium had “saved the lives of many service members in combat,” and “other countries have long possessed depleted uranium rounds as well, including Russia.”

Welcome to the bottom of the abyss of moral thinking. If Russia — the folks you’re sending deadly weapons to kill — does it, then it must be acceptable! If a weapon kills people on one side in a war then it can be described instead as having saved lives on the other side of a war, even if it prolonged or escalated a war! And a weapon widely believed to cause horrible illness and birth defects years later to those who live where it’s used should be characterized as a concern only in the context of tanks and soldiers!

The reason that numerous countries have banned Depleted Uranium weapons, and most of the world’s countries have repeatedly tried to get them restricted, monitored, investigated, and reported on, is that numerous doctors and scientists strongly suspect these weapons of causing huge numbers of illnesses and birth defects in the Balkans and in Iraq, beginning several years after their use, and lasting until who knows when. If you’re employed to smooth over the violation of all rules for the Rules Based Order, you’re clearly supposed to avoid the actual concern entirely.

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Ukraine’s Suspension of Human Right to Conscientiously Object

April 25th, 2023
Ukraine’s Suspension of Human Right to Conscientiously Object

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection

The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) met with its member organisation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement (Український Рух Пацифістів), in Kiev on 15 and 16 April 2023. EBCO also met with conscientious objectors and members of their families in a series of Ukrainian cities between 13 and 17 April, in addition to visiting imprisoned conscientious objector Vitaly Alekseenko on 14 April.

EBCO strongly denounces the fact that Ukraine has suspended the human right to conscientious objection and calls for the relevant policy to be immediately reversed. EBCO is gravely concerned about reports that Kyiv regional military administration has decided to terminate alternative service of tens of conscientious objectors and had ordered conscientious objectors to appear in military recruitment centre.

“We are deeply disappointed to see conscientious objectors being forcibly conscripted, persecuted and even imprisoned in Ukraine. This is a blatant violation of the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (in which the right to conscientious objection to military service is inherent), guaranteed under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is non-derogable even in a time of public emergency, as stated in Article 4(2) of ICCPR”, EBCO’s President Alexia Tsouni stated today. The right to conscientious objection to military service should be protected and cannot be restricted, as also highlighted in the last quadrennial thematic report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (paragraph 5).

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The Only Option for Ukrainian Nazis Not Taken: Unconditional Surrender

April 24th, 2023
The Only Option for Ukrainian Nazis Not Taken: Unconditional Surrender

Stephen Lendman

Russia’s only choice is to demand unconditional surrender. Nothing less is acceptable.

On Monday and Tuesday, Ukrainian Nazis got a taste of Russia’s overwhelming military superiority when unleashed — and how defenseless the regime and its US/NATO patrons are against it. Hegemon USA-dominated NATO wants Russia co-opted. Vladimir Putin earlier said the following:

💬“(T)hey want to defeat us on the battlefield.” “Let them try.” “(E)veryone should know that, by and large, we have not started anything in earnest yet.

On Monday and Tuesday, a page was turned. A new reality dawned. In response to one US OK’d Kiev terrorist attack on Russian infrastructure too many by damaging the Crimean Bridge, Russia significantly degraded the regime’s power grid, greatly disrupted its communication systems and impeded its ability to move troops and arms by rail to frontline positions. All of the above was achieved in 2 days.

Throughout Russia’s liberating SMO since February, US-controlled regime troops never achieved a strategic triumph, never captured a single city — just largely open spaces of no strategic importance because Russia saw no reason to defend them.

Multiple Russian strikes this week on strategic regime targets stopped short of destroying them altogether. Yet its actions this week sent a clear and unequivocal message: If hegemon USA-controlled Kiev continues cross-border terrorist attacks on Russian targets, its military will retaliate with overwhelming force, the regime to pay dearly for its actions.

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Bobby Steps Up

April 22nd, 2023
Bobby Steps Up

James Howard Kunstler

“It is neither our position nor our circumstances that define us, according to the Stoics, but our response to those circumstances; when destiny crushes us, small heroic gestures of courage and service can bring us peace and fulfillment. In applying our shoulder to the stone, we give order to a chaotic universe.” — RFK, Jr.

Of course, Yahoo News, and all the rest of the in-the-tank news media greeted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential announcement by branding him a “noted-anti-vaxxer,” as if that’s a bad thing. Yes, noted, thank you very much. Reuters elaborated: “Kennedy has been banned from YouTube and Instagram for spreading misinformation about vaccines and the COVID-19 pandemic.” By now, whenever you see the agit-prop platitude spreading misinformation, does your brain not instantly translate that into telling the truth? And by now, does banishment from social media not tell you that certain guilty parties recognize a truth-teller when they see one?

Bobby Kennedy stepped up on Wednesday and gave a long and comprehensive speech so rich with historic resonance, intelligence, and flat-out bravery — in the face of, let’s face it, a Satanic opposition — that he made every other figure aspiring to high office within memory look like quality-control rejects from evolution’s Homo sapiens assembly line. For 90-minutes in a Boston ballroom, RFK, Jr. told America the truth: that its entire matrix of leadership has laid one trip after another on our country going all the way back to the murders of his father and uncle, and he did it plainly, gently, humorously at times, but with an unmistakable gravitas and decorum that must scare the beJeezus out of the low life-forms currently running things.

Most of all, Bobby demonstrated that there is a way out of the bad-faith wilderness America has been lost in for years. He spoke to the audience in the ballroom, and to the country, in an adult conversational tone, without notes, as if he expected that voters would actually understand the problems we face: the wicked partnerships of corporations and governments to swindle and gaslight the public; the reckless military adventurism-for-profit campaign that has bankrupted the USA, now culminating in the Ukraine fiasco; the botched response to the Covid-19 episode and the chicanery that induced it; the insults to our ecosystem that are destroying the other organisms who live with us on this planet; and the financial chicanery that is driving America into inflation and bankruptcy. He reminded the nation of the good-faith efforts sixty years ago to end racial injustice — which has lately turned into a series of dispiriting hustles to promote antagonism and separation.

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Russia under Siege - from Ivan the Terrible to the Present Day

April 20th, 2023
Russia under Siege - from Ivan the Terrible to the Present Day

Elena Panina

Unfriendly countries are trying to cause maximum damage to Russia's economy, industry and financial system, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said.

The head of the government drew the attention of participants of the international export forum "Made in Russia" to the fact that unscrupulous Western competitor countries are trying to oust Russia from global trade and intimidate the entire business community. The politician stressed that the gold and foreign currency reserves were simply stolen from Russia by the West.

For our part, we should add that the thuggish attitude of the Anglo-Saxon states and their henchmen towards other sovereign countries is, unfortunately, the norm for them.

No matter how hard we try to restrain emotions in the analysis of international relations and make forecasts on mutually beneficial development in a positive way, facts are stubborn things, and we should not hope for a sudden "repentance" of the dishonest participants of the world economy and politics.

Historians assert that till 1917, the gold stock of the Russian Empire was 1337 tons. The government tried to evacuate the country's wealth, but the turmoil of the Civil War made its "adjustments". It is known that some of the Russian gold was "lost", probably because of the traitors among the White Guard commanders and the numerous gangs which prowled the vast expanses of Siberia. However, it is known for certain that more than half of the reserve was placed in banks in the United States, England and Japan.

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