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The Ultimate World Order: "The Jewish Utopia"

November 17th, 2008

Robert H. Williams

"THE JEWISH UTOPIA", discovered by the author in an unlisted Jewish collection in the library of the University of Texas, is the authentic and complete plan of the Zionists for world domination. It pictures the ultimate "new social order" which the Zionists hope to establish after they have used Communism, democracy and a third world war to gain their ends.

THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER is an analysis of "The Jewish Utopia", with photographs and excerpts from the original text.

The Ultimate World Order — as Pictured in "The Jewish Utopia"

If the Communists think they are going to conquer all the nations and set up a world government under a dictator of their own choosing they may be in for a surprise. For their parent, the sect which originally launched the Communist movement as an offshoot to accomplish a specific and temporary purpose, has plans for an ultimate world order of its own; and this sect, commonly called Zionist, now vastly overshadows the much cruder Communist machine in skill, finance, organization and influence.

The Communist plan for rubbing out all national, religious, cultural and racial lines and submerging the world in formless, characterless chaos for easy domination is grandiose enough. To say that there is still another, more grandiose plan beyond that for which the Communist machine was set up is indeed to challenge the credulity of most of us, especially of us Anglo-Saxons who are too busy with our humdrum routines to pull the propaganda curtain aside and see the giant hiding there.

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Israel Begging for Honour

November 17th, 2008

Akram Awad

Reports about the Queen’s conferral of knighthood on Israeli President Shimon President endanger the Royals’ reputation and add a new category eligible for the honorary title: war criminals.

It seems that the Zionist pro-Israeli blackmailing tactics against the Royals have done the trick – again. Latest news reports from Israel are confirming that the Israeli embassy’s desperate begging for a knighthood title to be honoured by Queen Elizabeth to the Israeli President Shimon Peres has finally been answered(1). Another report published on the Daily Express(2) earlier this month leaked information about the Queen’s rejection of the Israeli bidding for the honorary title. The report quoted a British Official stating, “It’s not going to happen. There is no knighthood.” It is, therefore, still too early to confirm the reliability of the Israeli reports, as they may simply be part of the dirty campaign itself.

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Something We Saw on a Mountain Path

November 17th, 2008

Les Visible

I have a friend who lives in Bulgaria and I went to visit him a while back. He lives in the Stara Planina. My friend is an alchemist of sorts. I might also call him a curious collector and a person around which ordinary things can take on entirely new dimensions of appearance sometimes. Anyone who has read Pantanjali’s Yoga Aphorisms would understand how this could be possible although they might not be able to do it themselves.

Certain mountainous areas in the Balkan Mountains are famous for mysterious characters and tales about brotherhoods and such. Peter Dunov lived there as did his disciple Mikhael Aivanhov before he went to France.

My friend, let’s call him Gregor, took me for a walk one afternoon. First we went through dense scrub which gave way to a kind of dwarf pine and then into massive arrangements of rock with scattered foliage that was made possible by collections of dirt that has traveled on the air and over time collected in depressions and after that, seeds followed in the same way.

At one point we came upon something lying on the ground which looked like it could be phlegm from a traveling rock troll who had been through there the night before. It could have been something that leaked from an industrial container or it might have been any number of things; something that had been eaten and which proved to be unsuitable to the digestion. There were a couple of suitable rocks very near this item and Gregor said we should sit there a moment and study this phenomena.

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RAHM EMANUEL: Ardent Zionist called Obama’s ‘Svengali’

November 17th, 2008

Victor Thorn

More sinister than Karl Rove and potentially deadlier than Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney, his name is Rahm Emanuel, and he was recently appointed chief of staff in the president-elect’s White House. This first official act should send waves of alarm through people because Barack Obama promised change, but what we’re getting is the exact same cabal that brought us 9-11 and endless war in the Middle East.

Initial media reports described Emanuel as a vulgar, Chicago-based enforcer who had an aggressive, in-your- face, pit-bull style. Others painted him as a partisan Washington insider with strong ties to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).Although these labels seem harsh, the reality is far worse.

Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed “Rahmbo,” is a pro- Israel Orthodox Jew who was educated in a Talmudic yeshiva and served as a volunteer in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). He is a dual citizen of Israel, which his office refused to deny when AFP inquired. Israel is the only nation where Americans can apply for and obtain citizenship without automatically renouncing U.S. citizenship.

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Some things are bigger than any of us

November 16th, 2008

Mickey Z.

Why not embrace your outrage and frustration and let it challenge you, inspire you...

“One of the good things about everything being so fucked up—about the culture being so ubiquitously destructive—is that no matter where you look—no matter what your gifts, no matter where your heart lies—there’s good and desperately important work to be done.” - Derrick Jensen

In 1850, the Fugitive Slave Law was passed and both Northerners and Southerners were now legally required to turn in runaway slaves. One year later, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin (or Life Among the Lowly) as a serial in an antislavery paper, The National Era. In 1852, the Boston publishing company Jewett published it as a book and, as they are wont to say, the rest is history.

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The GOP: Architects of Another 'Great Depression'

November 16th, 2008

Len Hart

The GOP has dominated American economic policy since 1980 and with the exception of a brief period in Clinton's second term, the rich have gotten exceedingly richer and the poor, much, much poorer.

This gaping, growing inequality married to Bush's 'bailout', a failed example of corporate welfare and outright theft, has proven Karl Marx to have been absolutely correct. The nation now faces another Great Depression because it had not learned the lessons of Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan and Bush.

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Sabra, Shatila and Collective Amnesia

November 15th, 2008

Gilad Atzmon

Waltz With Bashir is a breath-taking new Israeli film, an animated documentary directed by Ari Folman.

In 1982, Folman was a 19-year-old IDF infantry soldier. Twenty four years later, in 2006, Folman is surprised to find out that he does not remember a thing from that war or the massacres in Sabra and Shatila. The film is a journey into Folman’s lost past.

The documentary is set as a chain of animated interviews and conversations between Folman and his military associates, psychologists and Ron Ben Yishai, the legendary Israeli TV reporter who was among the first to report on the Sabra and Shatila Massacres. The setting aims at building a coherent personal past narrative out of the broken memories of others.

The film is highly sensitive and emotionally moving. To a certain extent, it is a very brave individual attempt to deal with the devastating collective Israeli past, and the massacres in Sabra and Shatila in particular. However, we are asked to remember that the massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps, though set up by the Israeli Army, were physically carried out by the Lebanese Christian Phalangists.

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The United Nations of New Jersusalem and The Empire of Zog

November 15th, 2008

Les Visible

It’s been two years now since the attacks in Houston and Seattle. Then, a month later, Denver was gone as well. Even I found it hard to get my head around what happened. As for the American people, well, they couldn’t process it at all; Muslims rounded up and necklaced with tires on city and suburban streets… burning in the dark nights of the American outrage. All it took was to tell them that Iran was behind it and then Iran was gone too. There isn’t much news out of what’s left of the Middle East these days. No one knows what’s going on there.

In the early days there was some pretty fierce resistance but it didn’t come to much. Executive order 525 put an end to most of it after it became law to kill the entire families and all known associates of anyone caught fighting back. Then came Bloggernacht and the public executions of anyone convicted of terror-speech. The arrival of the IDF and its merger with Blackwater and the New American Army put ‘shoot to kill’ storm troopers on every street corner. The bounty paid to children for informing on their parents, with food and fuel so scarce, was a crackerjack idea. No one knows what happened to those informed on. They just disappeared.

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Unsettling Signs: Buzzwords, Politics and US Elections

November 15th, 2008

Ramzy Baroud

There are a few buzzwords that every American politician, aiming for high office must utilize, even if disingenuously, to have a reasonable chance at getting elected.

President-elect, Barak Obama’s constant use of terms like ‘hope’ and ‘change’ contributed greatly to the overwhelming support he has experienced by the American public. Many, admiringly so, have overcome a legacy of racial division and prejudice that has defined America for decades, if not centuries. In that regard, voting to office a bi-racial candidate is truly an historic event.

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Targeting Hugo Chavez

November 15th, 2008

Stephen Lendman

Since taking office in February 1999, America's dominant media have relentlessly attacked Chavez because of the good example he represents and threat it might spread in spite of scant chance it will in today's climate.

Yet some of his fiercest critics maintain pressure and show up often on the Wall Street Journal's op-ed page. Most recently on November 10 by its America's columnist, Mary O'Grady. Her style is agitprop. Her space a truth-free zone. Her latest in an article headlined "Hugo Chavez Spreads the Loot" referring to what The New York Times calls "Suitcasegate."

It played out in a Miami show trial that concluded on November 3 with Franklin Duran found guilty of acting as an unregistered agent of the Venezuelan government in the US. He's co-owner of the private Venezuelan motor oil company, Venoco. It's unconnected to the government, but that's not what prosecutors charged, what jurors were pressured to conclude after initially being deadlocked, and what O'Grady picked up on and claims.

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