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You Might Be A Constitutionalist If . . .

October 20th, 2009

Chuck Baldwin

[I originally published this column back in January of 2005. Since then (and especially lately), many people have called and written with requests to republish it. So, with a few minor revisions, here it is.]

More than thirty years as a student of American history, constitutional government, and the Holy Bible leads me to the conviction that the two major political parties in this country (at the national level) are equally culpable in stripping America of its founding principles. In my opinion, both the Democrat and Republican parties in Washington, D.C., have zero fidelity to the U.S. Constitution and zero respect for America's foundational precepts.

In my studied opinion, neither the Democrat nor Republican Party (at the national level) has any intention of slowing the out-of-control expansion of government. Neither party has demonstrated any loyalty to preserving and protecting our constitutional form of government.

Like National Socialists and Soviet Socialists of old, the only thing that concerns Democrats and Republicans today is who is in power. Both are equally willing to destroy the freedoms and liberties of people without conscience or regret as long as their party remains in control.

I am absolutely convinced that without a renewed allegiance to constitutional government and State sovereignty, there can be no resolution to America's current slide into socialism and oppression.

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The way ahead

October 20th, 2009

Robert M. Carter

Forward Towards a Proper Climate Policy

Norm Kalmanovitch is a geophysicist with over 35 years of experience, and recently retired from Penn West, a Canadian oil and natural gas energy trust based in Calgary, Alberta. Norm is a member of Friends of Science, a Canadian group that plays the important role of conveying to the public the facts (as opposed to the legends) of global warming and climate change.

Australians will appreciate the fact, too, that Norm is visiting us shortly to compete in the cycling in the Word Masters Games that we are hosting, for by his visit he will contribute to the pre-ETS robust health of our economy. Of course, if the Senate passes the carbon dioxide taxation bill on its second submission next month, then the next time that Norm visits Australia he is going to find a far less wealthy and happy country.

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A Censored Headline and why it Matters

October 20th, 2009

A Censored Headline and why it Matters:

German High Court Outlaws Electronic Voting

Justices of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Image

Michael Collins

(DailyCensored.Com) The justices above are clearly the most rational group of high level functionaries in the industrialized world. They did what no other court would do in Europe or the United States. They effectively outlawed electronic voting. On March 3, 2009, the German Federal Constitutional Court declared that the electronic voting machines used in the 2005 Bundestag elections for the German national parliament were outside of the bounds of the German Constitution. <!--More-->

They reasoned that electronic voting is not verifiable because citizen votes are counted in secret. It is obscured a technology inaccessible to all but a very few initiates. Most importantly, the German high court noted, electronic voting machines don't allow citizens to "reliably examine, when the vote is cast, whether the vote has been recorded in an unadulterated manner" Mar. 3, 2009.

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U.S. behind Pakistan offensive

October 20th, 2009

Snehal Shingavi

Pakistan's military is carrying out an assault against
Taliban fighters in the country's northwest (A-J)

As one Islamabad resident, Hasan Zaman, told the BBC: "The popular opinion is that we are being sold to America piece by piece. Our national integrity is at risk. I am scared of the fact that I might see the end of Pakistan in my lifetime."

Under growing pressure from the U.S., the Pakistani Army launched a major incursion into Waziristan October 17 with air strikes and the entry of 30,000 soldiers into the region in the hopes of mounting a final offensive against the Pakistani Taliban (Tehreek-e-Taliban, or TeT).

The army's targets also include Hakimullah Mehsud, the brother of Beitullah Mehsud, the former leader of the Pakistani Taliban who was killed by U.S. drones last August. Until recently, the Pakistani establishment had taken some comfort in Hakimullah had been killed a few weeks ago. This wouldn't be the first nor the most serious mistake Pakistani intelligence has made.

The military offensive was precipitated by recent attacks by the Pakistani Taliban on military headquarters and police stations in major cities, including Peshawar, Lahore and Islamabad. More than 175 people were killed in attacks by the Taliban and other Islamist outfits during the past two weeks. The Pakistani military and police were highly embarrassed by the attacks.

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October 20th, 2009

Allen L Roland

The Dow is at 10,000, the Federal deficit is breaking records, unemployment is skyrocketing and money is cheap ~ so let's inflate the same debt bubble, continue Wall Street's derivative Ponzi scheme and let Main Street take the risk while Wall Street takes the profit:

As Henry Kissinger once said ~ " It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true " and, believe me, the recent rally of the Dow Jones to 10,000 is a manipulated Wall Street Ponzi scheme to draw Main Street into the market to reinflate the same credit bubble that just burst ~ while bailing out the financial elite, who are mainly sellers, in the process.

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Autumn in Shanghai

October 20th, 2009

by Gilad Atzmon

Shanghai is modernity in action, it is up for business, its many staggering new high-rise buildings, spear the imagination as well as the sky. It is saturated with festive almost unreal glamour, it is soaking in wealth, it is overwhelmingly proud and yet, it is humane, very humane in fact. It is habitable, it is relatively quiet, it feels safe, it welcomes you on board. It is the Western Metropolis wannabe, yet it is in the East.

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October 20th, 2009

Aetius Romulous

Uninterrupted, sustainable economic growth is impossible. Those who support it are "Impossibleists". They practice, preach, and defend to the death at times, "Impossibleism". It is a universal phenomenon, practiced across economic, political, cultural, and social spectrums around the globe. Impossibleism is an umbrella philosophy that captures the insanity of any system that is completely unsustainable and obviously so, but charges forward regardless. Systemic insanity, if you will.

We are all living at the thin sharp point of always more, always bigger, always better, always new, improved and disposable. That much should be obvious, even though it is not. We want our homes to be worth more today than yesterday, we demand it to be so. Prices must always fall, wages must always rise, and our wealth must always increase. We must have more than our parents and we must ensure more again for our children. Standing still is failure. Going backwards is unthinkable. This is simply impossible to sustain, we all know it, but we carry on regardless. Impossibleism.

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October 20th, 2009

Allen L Roland

Many people do not have the courage to live their dreams but I most certainly do and it has made me the satisfied man I am today. However, becoming a Navy carrier pilot was only a prelude to my deepest dream ~ fully opening my heart and ultimately becoming a fragment of life's heart in the process:

Flying in the Navy was a dream come true. I used to draw pictures of airplanes as a child and when I became a Navy high Altitude all-weather Interceptor ~ flying off the Carrier in my F3H single place Demon ~ it was the ultimate thrill for I was, indeed, an Eagle flying beyond the speed of sound.

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Obama Backs Netanyahu's Position on 'Peace Negotiations'

October 20th, 2009

Kim Bullimore

With Obama's tacit blessing, Israel will continue to create "facts on the ground", ensuring that more and more Palestinian land is illegally annexed to Israel. Since 1993, when Israel agreed to begin peace negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel's continued settlement construction in the occupied West Bank has resulted in the illegal Israeli settler population doubling to approximately 300,000, while the number of settlers living in occupied East Jerusalem is estimated to be around 180,000.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed victory in the wake of US President Barak Obama's first speech to the United Nations General Assembly and the September 22 meeting in New York between Netanyahu, Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. In his September 23 UN speech, Obama confirmed that Washington had retreated on its previous demand that Israel halt building new illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, stating that "the time has come to re-launch [peace] negotiations -- without preconditions".

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The First Enemy Is Within – Fourth Generation Warfare

October 20th, 2009

Zahir Ebrahim

Over the years I have read many publicly available Pentagon documents, going all the way back to what were earlier classified and later made available either through FOIA or natural declassification cycle.

Before I make my relevant point – let me cite an example.

When I learnt, from Chomsky initially, and subsequently reading the originals, of George Kennan's doctrine of outspending the Communists and that they would naturally collapse soon enough, that document is the 1948 Policy Planning PPS-23, I was taken aback. That PPS-23 had formed the underpinnings of what later became the Truman Doctrine that had held the world hostage for over 4 decades – at the brink of annihilation! Or so I, and almost everyone on planet earth have been led to believe. So, we, of the proverbial dissent-space, have all dutifully critiqued the “Military-Industrial Complex” of America and remained in awe of President Eisenhower's candid labeling of it; the very same President who also dutifully carried on the baton of the Cold War from President Truman, embarking on the largest 'peace-time' military and civil defense spending spree in the United States probably in its entire inglorious history of bloodshed up to that time.

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